If this woman was going to give her millions of dollars, then Aubrey owed her more than the surface answer she gave everyone else. She could tell the truth without going into the details.

“I had a close call years ago. Fortunately, my uncle paid a ransom before the sale could go through. There were others that weren’t so fortunate.”

“I’m so sorry that happened to you. Thank God you had a better outcome.”

“It took me a while to recover, when I finally did, I knew I had to change the direction of my life. I survived for a reason.”

“Yes, you did. Few get to realize their purpose while they’re still young enough to accomplish it.”

Aubrey got the idea that Kate truly did understand, and not just from an outsider’s perspective. This woman had experienced suffering and grief. And because of that, or in spite of it, she had found her purpose.

Smiling, Kate stood. “Let’s go to my office and discuss how we can get this documentary made.”

Chapter Fifteen

OZ Headquarters


“You want me to do what?”

Ash had a hard time keeping a straight face. Yeah, he knew he was asking a lot from Stryker, but the expression of horror on his face was priceless. Few things fazed the man, and seeing him look so nonplussed was more t

han amusing.

Truth was, he’d had a similar reaction less than twelve hours ago when Kate had made the request. His response had been a quick and automatic no. They didn’t take civilians into dangerous situations. Period. Since Kate Walker was a good friend and a longtime ally to OZ, he had agreed to hear her out. Once he did, he had to admit he was intrigued. When Stryker settled down, Ash suspected he’d feel the same way.

Since returning from Colombia, Ash had seen a change in Liam. The man was driven by demons—they all were—but Stryker’s demeanor had a tinge of hopelessness to it. Something he’d never thought he’d see from his usually even-keeled friend.

Liam carried the guilt of Myron’s death. It hadn’t been his fault, but that was the problem with a conscience. Guilt didn’t always have to make sense. Which was why, even after all this time, he still carried the guilt of Cat’s torture and disappearance. None of it had been Liam’s fault but that didn’t keep him from staying awake at night. The what-ifs could drive a man crazy. Ash understood that all too well.

Not being able to locate Drury was also weighing heavily on Stryker. The sleaze had a gift of escape even Houdini might admire. Ash knew Drury’s elusiveness only added to Liam’s frustration. Hunting down the murdering bastard was taking time away from his main focus, which was rescuing trafficking victims.

When Ash had created OZ, his goal had been to take on the cases that were the most hopeless, to help people who had nowhere else to turn. They had done that and then some. But each team member had their own agenda as well. Liam Stryker’s was one of the most noble, and Ash fully supported his efforts.

Ash repeated his statement. “I want you to let a filmmaker join your next trafficking raid.”

“Uh…that would be a hard ‘hell no’ from me, Ash. I can’t believe you’d even ask me to do something so asinine.”

“Hear me out, then decide.”

Settling back in his chair as if he were anticipating an interesting but unbelievable fairy tale, Stryker nodded.

“The request came from Kate.” As he explained her reasons, Ash watched the other man’s expression change.

“But there’s no real evidence this man’s... What’s his name? Lawrence Medford? There's no clear evidence that his death is related to this human trafficking documentary she’s making?”

“Not yet. All Kate knows is what the surveillance video showed. An unknown man entered the house with a box. He’s seen going into Medford’s study. About an hour later, he leaves, box in hand. A few hours after that, Medford’s body is discovered.”

“And you think the box was filled with snakes?”

“That’s the theory. Medford had multiple bites, but only one snake was found. After one bite, he still should’ve been able to call for help. Instead, for whatever reason, he didn’t. His phone was on the desk. He was found only a foot away from the desk.”

“How many snakes do they think bit him?”

“Hard to say. Kate had a wildlife expert examine the bites. He claimed they came from at least four different snakes.”

“Camera show the intruder’s face?”