Los Angeles, California

Law Offices of Hartley, Sharp, Weeks, and Franklin

Her legs only slightly shaky, Aubrey stood at the reception desk and said in a clear, no-nonsense voice, “I’m here to see Mr. Hartley.”

The well-dressed, serious young woman looked up at her. “Your name?”

“Aubrey Starr.”

“He’s on a conference call at the moment, Ms. Starr. Have a seat, and he’ll be with you soon.”

“All right. Thank you.” Turning, she and her companions made their way to the small, elegant reception area.

“So far,” Liam murmured beside her, “typical law office layout and atmosphere. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

She knew he was trying to calm her with those low tones that sent warmth and comfort through her bloodstream. He didn’t want her here and had made sure anyone within hearing distance knew his opinion. Aubrey had been adamant. If they wanted this to work, she had to be the bait. Norman Hartley was no dummy. She’d played chess with the man and had even talked to him once about investing in a project. He wouldn’t be easily fooled and would know in an instant if a decoy showed up in her place.

She had thought she knew the elderly attorney. She never talked to a potential investor without making sure there were no skeletons in their closet. He had looked squeaky clean to her. But OZ had ways of getting intel that were realms out of her league.

Serena had conducted a deep dive into both Hartley and the law firm. It was one of the top firms in the country and one of the world’s leading for wills and mergers and acquisitions.

On paper, Hartley, the senior partner, was about as staid and conventional as the stereotypical attorney could get. He was also enormously wealthy, with a few questionable business interests. Nothing glaringly illegal, Serena had said, but a few unethi

cal practices here and there that could get him disbarred if anyone chose to push the point.

The rest of the law firm, all forty-seven of them, including paralegals, secretaries, and assistants raised no red flags. Liam wasn’t buying it, though, and said until they knew different, every one of them was a suspect.

She glanced over at him, and her heart melted. Dressed in a dark blue Armani suit, stark white button-down shirt, and blue silk tie, he was certainly dressed for the part as a successful, well-to-do attorney. However, if that granite jaw of his got any harder, it would shatter. No one looking at him would see him as anything but a threat.

She said softly, “You might want to tone down the glare. You’re making the receptionist nervous.”

“We’re not here to put anyone at ease.”

She glanced over at Gideon who sat opposite them, and sighed. Gideon had the same expression on his face. No wonder the receptionist kept switching her gaze between the two of them. It could, however, have to do with the fact that both men were exceedingly handsome.

Tense moments followed as they waited to see what would happen. No one believed this would be what it appeared to be, a review of her uncle’s and Becca’s wills. There would be an attempt on her life today. How and when were the big questions.

Finally, a lovely young woman appeared in her vision. “Ms. Starr? Mr. Hartley can see you now. Please follow me.”

Every muscle strained with tension, Aubrey held her breath as she followed the woman.

This was it.

* * *

Hating every part of this, Liam sat a few feet away from Aubrey as they waited to be called into Hartley’s office. Gideon was within easy reach of her. When the threat came, in whatever form, he wanted to meet it head on. Gideon would see to Aubrey. The moment he realized all the arguing in the world was not going to prevent this from happening, he’d pulled Gideon aside, and made it clear that Aubrey was to be the man’s number one concern. No matter what happened, she was to be protected at all costs. Liam would handle the rest.

Gideon had just given him one of his mild looks and walked away. He knew he was probably lucky his friend hadn’t clocked him. Gideon Wright was one of the most capable, ruthless men he’d ever known. Telling him what needed doing was a little like advising a cobra how to bite.

Everyone at OZ knew what the priority was and didn’t need the reminder. He’d done it anyway. By the time this op was over, his fellow OZ operatives would likely want to skin him alive.

When the woman called for Aubrey to follow her, Liam and Gideon were right there with her.

After taking a few steps forward, the woman turned and gave both men a wary look. “Umm. I believe Mr. Hartley is expecting only Ms. Starr.”

“These gentlemen are my legal advisors,” Aubrey said calmly.

“Of course.”