One thing Ash had learned about his newest operative. Never, ever underestimate her. He knew Eve was good at undercover, but Jules would give her a run for her money.

While waiting for his undercover partner to arrive at the airport, he had expected the wholesome-looking, girl-next-door Jules Stone. The woman who appeared before him, though, was a pampered, snobbish, ethereal beauty. An ice princess who looked down on the rest of humanity was exactly the kind of woman Humphrey would find most appealing.

Ash had chartered a private jet. Not only would Omar expect Humphrey to have the most luxurious and expensive one on the market, he would know the minute the plane landed. No way did Ash want OZ’s plane anywhere close to Omar and his goons.

A limousine had been waiting for them when they landed and had whisked them away in minutes with barely a glance from the Customs agents. Half an hour later, they were driving down a long, narrow drive, and Omar’s estate came into view. Ash’s first thought was that being a weapons broker was an enormously lucrative occupation. His second thought was they were likely on their own once they entered the mansion. Omar was paranoid for a reason. No way would he allow outside transmissions within his residence.

Ash glanced over at his partner and was once again struck by the incredible change, not only in her looks but also in her demeanor. Juliet Stone was a lovely woman with animated features and a smile like sunshine. Elsa Olsen looked as though a smile would fracture her beautiful face.

He had briefed Jules on Schrader’s background, as well as the bioweapon Humphrey was selling. Elsa Olsen was the perfect complement to Humphrey’s cold arrogance and Jules Stone would be able to pick up nuances he could miss.

Though Omar’s past dealings with Humphrey had always been mutually beneficial, this was a different kind of business deal. Was this invitation merely a ploy to get Humphrey alone and force him to give up the formula? Omar was a sleaze, but for the most part, he’d always been up front. Even in the harsh, cold world of weapons dealing, a man’s word held consequences.

No matter the reason, Ash and Jules would be ready. Xavier and Jazz were parked in an RV three miles from the estate. They could offer assistance in a matter of minutes.

A slender hand caressed his thigh, reminding him that the woman beside him knew her role. He had been distracted, lost in thought. She was doing the right thing to bring him back to the here and now.

Humphrey sent Elsa a predatory, hungry look. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

Her expression one of supreme confidence, Elsa drawled, “Yes, but a woman never gets tired of hearing such things, darling.”

The chauffeur’s eyes shifted to give them a glance in the rearview mirror. Knowing he would be reporting to Omar everything he observed, Ash pulled Jules to him, touched his mouth to hers. It was for show, but that didn’t keep his body from responding. Her lips were as luscious and sweet as he had imagined. There was only the slightest amount of tension in her body at the beginning, and then she seemed to sink into him. The embrace lasted less than a minute, but Ash knew, audience or not, he could have continued for much longer.

When he pulled away, her lips were plump and

moist, and her breathing was slightly elevated. It was gratifying to see he wasn’t the only one who was affected.

“Really, Humphrey darling, must you in front of the help?”

An icy bucket of water dumped over his head couldn’t have had more of an impact. Even as his body rejected her icy tone, Ash was grateful for her words. Jules’s response was exactly how they’d decided she should play Elsa. A sexy ice queen with an arrogant, entitled demeanor.

“I must.”

Her smile frigid, she replied, “Then I shall insist upon my own rewards.”

“And what would those be?”

She leaned forward to whisper in his ear. To the chauffeur, it would look as though she were whispering something wicked and sexy. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

“I counted three people at the airport watching us. I’m assuming they were Omar’s.”

Nuzzling her neck, Ash responded, “Yeah, I saw them, too. He’s going to keep a careful eye on us this weekend.”

“Think something spooked him?”

“Not sure. We’ll see.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Humphrey. We have arrived.”

Of course they had, but staying in the limo and pretending to make out while Omar was likely waiting was a game of one-upmanship. Besides the fact that Ash was truly enjoying himself. Which was as insane a thought as he’d had in years.

Ash pulled away from her and murmured, “More of that later.”

She responded with a cool smile, but Ash saw something in her eyes that had nothing to do with the cold and calculating Elsa Olsen and everything to do with the warm-blooded, vibrant Jules Stone.

Despite the serious circumstances of this undercover mission, Ash was going to thoroughly enjoy his time with this beautiful woman.

* * *