“Absolutely not. Every one of those people knows what happened. Problem is, Turner is the only one I’ve ever found.”

“How can I help?”

“You help just by listening. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to talk about this without rage taking over.”

A rush of nausea went through Jules as she realized something monumental had happened here. Ash had told her all of this because he trusted her. If she were truly working with Turner, she could ask a few more pointed questions and get what she needed to destroy Ash and maybe OZ along with him.

But she wasn’t working for Turner. She was working against her.

Never had Jules been so torn. Would it be selfish of her to tell him everything now? Locked in his arms, she could explain everything she’d done and why. Could she make him understand? Or would telling him ruin everything? In a few days, the en

tire OZ team would be involved in their biggest takedown to date. If Ash was unable to get past her lies, he might push her off the op, jeopardizing the entire mission.

As much as she wanted to spill her guts, she couldn’t. Not yet. But she swore to herself that the moment Carl Lang had been taken into custody, she would come clean with everything.

Since she could do nothing about it now, Jules turned in Ash’s arms and showed him how very much she appreciated his trust in her.

Chapter Thirty-Three

A snowball slammed into the back of his head, exploding on impact. Ash turned just in time to see the triumphant expression on Jules’s face before she zoomed another icy projectile toward him. Laughing at her antics, he dodged it at the last minute. She was good.

But he was better.

Running for cover, he grabbed a handful of snow on the way. By the time he made it to the giant aspen tree, he had a hand-size, frozen missile. Peering around the tree, he spotted his target and launched. The snowball landed on her shoulder and exploded, covering her in snow.

Delighted laughter pealed through the forest as they lobbed snowballs at each other, often sending taunting remarks as a shot landed.

A snowball fight hadn’t been on his agenda this morning. When he’d woken, Jules had been snug and warm in his arms, still asleep. He’d lain there for a long while, contemplating one thing: Everything had changed last night.

Waking up with a warm body beside him had been a long-forgotten pleasure. He hadn’t shared that kind of intimacy with anyone but Meg. After he’d lost her, he hadn’t wanted to be with another woman for a long time. Yeah, the physical need was there, but squashing those desires had been easy. Being with anyone other than his wife held no appeal.

It had been years before he’d been able to even share the slightest intimacy, like a kiss, and even then he’d felt as if he were betraying Meg. When he’d finally slept with another woman, he walked away after the deed and never saw her again. He had enough of a heart to call and apologize, but that had been all he could offer.

Now, with Jules, he felt like a new person. He really, sincerely liked this woman. Liked being with her, talking with her. Liked working with her. He enjoyed seeing her eyes light up when she was talking about an op. She had a dry sense of humor and a sometimes unique way of looking at the world.

And he especially liked the way she felt in his arms.

“Hey, Drake! You ready to surrender?”

The taunting question was followed by a giant, thankfully loose snowball, which splattered over his face like an ice-cold shower. A good wake-up.

A battalion of snowballs leading his way, Ash went after her with everything he had, hurling snowball after snowball as he strode toward her. She was so busy dodging and giggling, he was on her before she could retaliate.

When he reached her, she looked both surprised and irritated that he’d managed to outwit her. Though the snowsuit covered her from head to toe, he figured she was beginning to get a chill. They’d been out here for over an hour.

“You don’t fight fair.”

Ash laughed at the childish words and the lovely little pout of lips. Pulling her into his arms, he covered that beautiful mouth with his in a fiery kiss. When she wrapped her arms around him, he tumbled them both into the snow.

Devouring her lips, Ash felt a peace he hadn’t believed he’d ever feel again.

* * *

Squealing and laughing at the same time, Jules rolled over in Ash’s arms. Looking down at his smiling face, she couldn’t remember when she’d been happier. Last night had been a dream come true, and today was pure magic.

After breakfast, Ash had persuaded her to go with him to his house. She had resisted at first. She was so not a snow person. Finally, she had relented and was glad she had. Riding with him on his snowmobile had been a blast. In fact, she was hoping he’d let her drive it back to headquarters.

Ash’s house had been another surprise. She had expected a small cottage, maybe even a cabin. She was thrilled to see it was a traditional-style two-story red brick house with a large wraparound porch, complete with rocking chairs and a porch swing.