“Pasta carbonara.” She shrugged. “My version of it anyway. Do you like it?”

“Yeah…a lot. Where did you learn to cook like this?”

Her delight was obvious. “I’ve always loved creating different dishes. I took some classes and discovered I have a talent for combining spices. I never realized it was an art form…I just like experimenting.”

“Feel free to experiment on me any time you like.”

He hadn’t meant the words as a come-on, but they’d sounded that way all the same. Jules’s eyes widened slightly, and she blushed a pretty pink.

“Sorry, that sounded weird.”

She laughed, not taking any offense at his unintended sexual innuendo. What she said next totally destroyed any errant sensual thoughts. “Tell me about Meg.”

* * *

She watched the smile slide from his face and the light go out of his eyes. She had spoiled the lighthearted mood and wanted to kick herself for her ill-timed question. But it was out there, and she couldn’t call it back, so she waited for his reply.

“What do you want to know?”

“What was she like? Where did you meet?”

“She was sweet, funny, intelligent. We met when we were ten years old. Her family moved next door. Our mothers became best friends, so we got thrown together a lot.”

“You were childhood sweethearts?”

“Not until our sophomore year of high school. Her dad died, and I don’t know…I guess we realized how short life is. We started dating and never dated anyone else after that.

“I joined the Marines right after high school. We got married right before my first deployment. Meg went to college, got her nursing degree.”

“How long were you married…before…” She trailed off. She couldn’t even make herself say the words.

Ash had no such problems, but the anger was evident in his voice. “Before she was brutally murdered by a serial killer? Thirteen years.”

“I’m sorry.”

Letting her know he was done sharing, he stood and began to clear the table. Jules sat still for several moments, wanting to say more. Wanting more than she’d ever thought she could want. If she could only work up the courage to take that final step.

“I’d better get out of here.”

Surprised, she glanced around the kitchen and saw that while she’d been lost in thought, Ash had cleaned and straightened up the kitchen.

“Don’t go.” The words sprang from her mouth before she could stop them.


“It’s late and unimaginably cold out there. There’s plenty of room here.” She shrugged, hoping she looked nonchalant. “Why not stay the night?”

Instead of answering immediately, he surprised her by holding out his hand. Her heart pounding, she put her hand in his and allowed him to pull her up. They were standing toe-to-toe, inches from each other. She could feel his breath on her face, the heat from his body.

Raising her eyes to his, she took a huge risk and whispered, “Stay with me, Ash.”

He gave a low, growling groan. Lowering his head, he touched his lips to hers, softly, gently, testing, teasing. Pressed against his hard body, Jules returned the kisses, telling him things she couldn’t say aloud.

“What the hell are we doing, Jules?”

“I don’t know, but please don’t stop.”

“This is crazy.” He punctuated every protest with a brief, hot kiss. “Insane.” Another hot kiss. “Out-of-this-world wrong.”