“I talked to Eve yesterday,” Jazz said. “She said Gideon’s doing well in rehab, and he’s as grouchy as an old bear.”

A slight grin tugged at Ash’s face. “Which means he’s getting back to normal. I talked to him a couple of days ago. He’s ready to get back to work. He’s still on crutches, but knowing Gideon, that’s just another weapon he can use. We’ll put him with Serena on comms.”

“What about Eve?” Jazz asked. “Will she be coming home, too?”

“Yeah. She said she’s ready to get back to work. She and Liam will team up and attend as a couple.” Ash turned to Rose. “Omar indicated there will be some famous Hollywood faces at the event. Create a cover for Stryker and Eve. Nothing too bold. Up-and-coming power couple—film producers should work. Make their films somewhat obscure so people won’t be surprised they’ve never heard of them. Maybe give them a new project. They can attend the event as if they’re looking for financing.

“Xavier and Jazz will be on overwatch. Stone will attend with me as Elsa. Seems Omar has taken a liking to the woman who helped save his life.”

Ash was giving her more credit than she deserved, but Jules only gave a small nod of acknowledgment. The nightmares of killing Renee had disappeared. Though she wouldn’t ever look forward to taking another life, no matter how evil, she sincerely hoped that she handled the aftermath better. It hadn’t been her finest moment.

“All right. Let’s start talking scenarios, problems and solutions.”

With those words, the OZ leader was giving everyone a chance to voice their opinions and suggestions. As Jules listened, she became even more energized. No matter what happened in the future, she couldn’t help being glad that she was involved with this project and with the OZ team. They were going to apprehend one of the world’s most dangerous monsters. That, if nothing else, made the future pain worthwhile.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Washington, DC

Her mouth bone-dry, Nora stared at the caller ID on her ringing phone. Chewing her lip, she hesitated, her finger poised over the answer icon. She could let it go to voice mail. Not only was she preparing an important speech before the entire Senate, she was on numerous committees. She was an extremely bus

y woman with little free time. Not answering a call should be the norm, not the exception.

Unfortunately, the person on the other end of this call likely knew her schedule better than she did. Even knew about her meetings before she did and what she would say. If she didn’t answer, there would be a discussion. Speculation. Concern. That was the last thing she wanted.

Knowing she had no choice, Nora swiped the answer icon and said, “Yes?”

“How are things on your end?”

There was never any unnecessary chatter, no lead-in to the reason for the call. Though her profession required her to be verbal, sometimes to the extreme, Nora had no problem reverting to this type of pointed conversation.

“Nothing as of yet. I’m hopeful I’ll hear something soon.”


Nora winced at the question. Hopeful was not a good word in this situation.

“Confident. I’m confident I’ll hear something soon.”

“I don’t need to reiterate the importance of this matter.”

The statement was rhetorical, but Nora knew to answer anyway. “I understand completely.”

“Then, considering what lies in the future, don’t you think it’s time to take things to the next level?”

Again, this was not a question, nor a suggestion. Arguing would do no good. Besides, getting the go-ahead was a relief. This thing with Asher Drake had been hanging over her head for much too long.

“The problem will be handled.”

“It can be handled for you.”

She knew exactly what that meant. The consequences would be catastrophic. If she couldn’t handle this one small problem, how could she handle future, larger issues?

“No. No. I will take care of it.”


“Yes. Soon.”