“News travels fast.”

“It does when it’s this big. But you and Jules…you’re both okay?”

“We’re fine. Jules got a little banged up, but nothing serious.”

“Can I talk to her?”

“She’s asleep. I’ll get her to call you when she wakes.”

“I can’t believe the bastard was still alive. We found his body…supposedly had verifiable proof.”

“He faked it somehow. I think he might’ve been injured then…just not killed. His hands were messed up, and he was in poor health.”

“And he was looking for one last boom.”

“Something like that. We had no choice but to stop him permanently.”

“I agree. Jules do okay?”

“She did great. Acted like a pro, but it cost her.”

Neither of them needed to go beyond those words. They both knew the cost of taking a life.

“Everything still in place for the auction?”

“Yes.” Just because he’d saved Omar’s life, Ash didn’t expect any special favors from the weapons broker. The man might’ve been an idiot for inviting a psychopath to dinner and expecting him to play nice, but that didn’t mean he would cut any corners in the upcoming auction. It might, in fact, make him more wary.

“That’s good. I have no news on this end, if that’s why you’re calling.”


t’s not. I wanted to talk about Jules. She’s hiding something.”

“Aren’t we all?”

“Don’t give me that, Kate. We’ve known each other too long to play games.”

“I’m not playing, Ash. You know as well as I do that we all have things we don’t want to share with others. And Jules is one of the most private people I’ve ever known.”

“But you know what she’s hiding.”

“Yes, but it’s not my story to tell. Have you asked her?”

“Haven’t had a chance. The day after we met, she was on an op. Things haven’t really slowed down to have any kind of real conversation.”

“Sounds like you’re both taking some downtime now. Maybe you can talk to her. Be aware that reticence doesn’t necessarily mean a person is hiding something incriminating.”

There was no need for that reminder. He lived in the shadows. Closemouthed reticence was SOP.

“My gut says it’s something more than that.”

“You’re a good interrogator. I have no doubt that you’ll uncover the truth. Just remember: Not everyone sees things the way we do.”

Ash ended the call, not satisfied, but at least he knew he was on the right track. Jules was indeed hiding something from him. Question was, why had she apologized to him?

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jules took one last bite of her pizza slice and then put it aside, pleasantly full. For the last day and a half, she’d done nothing but eat and sleep. Her wounds were still sore, and nightmares still woke her, but all in all she felt a thousand times stronger than she had when she woke yesterday morning.