Pink washed over her face, giving her a healthier glow. “I wasn’t worried about that.”

“We did kiss.”

“Yes, well, that was under extraordinary circumstances.”

“So you’re saying that if it had been anyone else standing in the shower with you, your naked body pressed against his, you would have responded the same way?”

“Yes. No.” She shook her head quickly. “I don’t know. I just…”

He was pushing her, and that wasn’t fair. Changing the subject, he said, “Do you see Kate often?”

* * *

Jules’s mind whirled at the change of subject. She was just coming to terms with having been unconscious, unaware of where she was or what was happening to her. Waking up in a strange bed, wearing only her bra and panties had been startling to say the least. Learning she was in Montana had been even more of a shock. But now she learned that Ash wanted them to stay at the hotel for a few days. Together. If that wasn’t enough, he had confronted her about their kiss. For someone who tried to be in control at all times, she found all of this to be just a bit much.

Grateful he’d thrown her a lifeline by asking about Kate, she said, “Not as much as I would like. We talk almost weekly, though. What about you?”

“Haven’t seen her in over a year. We check in with each other often.”

Jules knew that Kate was an important intel resource for OZ, and though she knew quite a bit about how they’d met, she wanted Ash’s perspective.

She wanted to talk to him about so many things. Things she hadn’t thought they’d ever get a chance to discuss. Even if she couldn’t tell him everything, she wanted him to know, someway, that she was so very sorry about what happened.

“You look like you’re about to fall out of your chair.”

Exhaustion wrapped around her like a heavy, smothering coat. She hadn’t felt this exhausted and weak in years.

“Why do I feel so tired? I can barely keep my eyes open.”

“Aftereffects of shock. I’m glad to see you did eat a little.”

She blinked at her plate, surprised that she had indeed eaten half of the rather large serving of scrambled eggs and toast. She’d even drank an entire glass of milk.

“Why don’t you go lie down again? After a few more hours of sleep, you should feel a lot better.”

“You seem to know a lot about that.”

“That’s because I’ve been there.”

She wanted to ask him how and when, but her mouth refused to form the words as her brain fogged once more. Before she realized it, Ash was standing beside her and lifting her in his arms.

“I can walk.”

“Carrying a beautiful woman to bed, even if it is just to sleep, will never be a hardship.”

She was vaguely aware of how good it felt to be in his arms and thought she might have mumbled something about that. By the time he placed her on the bed, she was on the verge of sleep. Her eyes felt as though stones had been placed on the lids, weighing them down. She did manage to blink them open slightly, and her sluggish brain vaguely registered the tenderness in his eyes. Her heart performed a tiny somersault, and she mumbled something a second before unconsciousness claimed her.

* * *

I’m so sorry.

What was she sorry about? Jules’s words before she’d dropped off to sleep hounded Ash. He told himself she could have simply meant that she was sorry she was so sleepy, or something equally innocuous. His gut told him it was something else. What that something was he had no idea. But he intended to find out.

Grabbing the secure satellite phone, he punched in a number he rarely called. He and Kate communicated in various ways, but using a phone was usually his last choice.

Kate answered on the first ring, which meant she was expecting his call.

“You guys okay?”