Chapter Twenty-Two

His jaw clamped with tension, Ash strode into the suite that had been assigned to them. He paid no attention to the décor other than to give a cursory glance around to determine where the bugs and cameras might be hidden. Problem was, there was no time for an in-depth search. Decisions needed to be made.

His bag was beside the bed, and while he was sure Omar’s people had searched it, unless they’d gone through an entire box of condoms, no one would have spotted his jammer. Covered in a foil packet the size of a condom, the jammer was a prototype and not yet on the market. He was confident the device had not been detected.

The instant the door was closed, still in his Humphrey persona, he said, “Let’s take a shower.”

Stalking over to his luggage, he unzipped a side pocket and pulled the condom box from his travel bag.

Though her eyes might have dilated slightly, Jules thankfully didn’t ask questions or protest. They had talked about touching and kissing, but taking a shower together had not been mentioned. He actually hadn’t planned on communicating this way, but one sure way they could talk without Omar overhearing was beneath a flood of water. Later, when and if they returned to the room, he’d take more time and hunt down the bugs and cameras. In a pinch, this would have to do.

Grabbing her by the arm, he pulled her along with him toward the bathroom. And Jules, being the professional she was, gave him a sultry, inviting smile and slid her arm around his waist.

When they entered the bathroom, things became a little more complicated. Ash had little modesty. He’d played sports, been in the military. Plus, the life he lived didn’t exactly fit with being insecure about his body. Jules might view things from a different perspective. That couldn’t be helped. He’d do his damnedest to keep his gaze at eye level. That was the best he could offer.

When he began to strip, her eyes got noticeably wider. She turned her back to him, and Ash knew a moment of regret. She wasn’t ready for this. Instead, she surprised him and said, “Can you help me with my zipper?”

Grateful for her professionalism, Ash moved closer. While he unzipped her dress, he whispered in her ear, “You’re doing great.”

She threw him a sexy smile over her shoulder and allowed the dress to pool at her feet. Left only in a lacy bra and almost sheer panties, she turned to face him.

Ash had to force himself to turn away. This was the least appropriate moment to give in to his attraction. Not only were they in the home of a deadly weapons broker, there was a surprise coming their way. As happy as Omar had seemed to be, Ash knew whoever was coming tonight would not be a pleasant encount


He quickly finished stripping and then headed to the shower. With the jammer on the counter, the cameras and listening devices should be inoperable, but for this particular conversation, he could take no chances. Keeping his back to her, Ash pressed buttons for temperature and steam, then another to turn on the water. Large enough to comfortably fit a half-dozen people, the shower stall featured every luxurious amenity possible.

Turning back to Jules, he held out his hand. His eyes carefully on her face, he did his best to give her a reassuring look without going out of character. Surprising him, she winked slightly and said, “Make sure it’s warm enough, Humphrey. You know how I love steam.”

“I think this will be to your liking.”

The steam was already filling the stall and should give them the privacy they’d need. Taking her hand, he led her into the middle of the shower and wrapped his arms around her. His mind told him to ignore the fact that a beautiful, naked woman was pressed up against him. His body told his mind to shut the hell up.

Hoping she’d ignore the obvious signs of his arousal, Ash held Jules close. The pounding shower and rising steam gave them the cover they needed. His mouth at her ear, Ash whispered, “Sorry about this. The jammer is likely working, but I couldn’t take the chance.”

“Not a problem. We’re good.”

“I wanted to talk to you about Omar’s surprise.”

“Do you know what it is?”

“I have a good idea. I think he’s invited Lang here to meet Humphrey.”

Jules’s body stiffened. “You think he’s going to try to take the formula from you?”

“Doubtful. I think Lang’s planning on offering a lot of money at the auction and wants to meet the seller before he makes that decision.”

“How do you want to handle this?”

“We’ll go ahead as planned. If we can’t talk to each other, we’ll have to improvise. If we can, we’ll use sign language.”

She pulled her head back slightly to look at him. “You can sign?”

“Yeah. You do, too. Right?”

“Yes…my mother, she…” She trailed off and then said again, “Yes.”

“Good. Follow my lead. If I don’t check in with Xavier, he can have the team here in a matter of hours. Or, if we have to, we’ll fight our way out.”