“Of course.”

With a nod, he headed back to the main area of the plane, leaving Jules and Jazz with an awkward silence.

“You’re attracted to him.”

Jules heard no disapproval in Jazz’s tone, only a mild curiosity. Still, admitting an attraction to Ash was not a good idea.

“I’m a professional. I can make people see what I want them to see.”

Obviously not believing her, Jazz raised her eyebrows. “Oh yeah? Might want to work on your performance a little bit.”

Before Jules could argue, Jazz added, “You’d be good for him. He needs someone in his life.”

Pretending to have no interest in the conversation would be pointless. “Ash doesn’t have relationships?”

“Not really. I think he sees someone from time to time, but it’s nothing serious. He’s not had anything even remotely permanent since he lost Meg.”

“His wife?”


“You knew her?”

“No. I know only what Xavier has told me. She was apparently an amazing woman. But then, she’d have to be for Ash to have loved her.”

“You think a lot of him.”

“Hands down, one of the best men I’ve ever known.”

“How long have you worked together?”

Jazz’s face went blank. “Long enough.” She pulled her phone from her pocket. “I’ll send a text to Rose to get that questionnaire to you.”

“I didn’t mean to pry, Jazz.”

“It’s no big.”

Blowing out a ragged breath, Jules took a moment to center herself. Ash had thrown her into a maelstrom of both mental and physical confusion. And truthfully, she was completely and utterly terrified. Fighting her attraction to Ash had been no problem so far. They’d been so busy she hadn’t had time to even think about the effect he had on her. But pretending to be his girlfriend, accepting his kisses and caresses as if she belonged to him, would be another matter.

What she had told him was true. She was very good at undercover and could usually adapt a persona as her own without an ounce of hesitation. Having become someone else years ago had trained her to adjust to her circumstances. And while she was more comfortable working alone, she had on occasion worked with a partner. A mutual goal of bringing down evil had always been incentive enough to overlook any awkwardness.

But she had to admit this would be a challenge of a different kind. She knew going in that the job would be hard. Knowing all she did about Asher Drake, all that he had done, she figured she’d built him up in her head. But meeting the man, working with him, was doing nothing but confirming her opinion. Ash was a man of honor, intelligence, and amazing courage. He had fascinated her for years, and Jules knew the image she’d had of him was only going to get stronger.

The moment he’d touched her tonight added a new wrinkle. She had never in her life felt desire like that. One simple touch—nothing more—had ignited a heat and need within her. There was attraction, and then there was this.

Admittedly, she wasn’t the most experienced when it came to romantic relationships. She dated, not a lot, but some. She had even gone out with one guy five times. Unfortunately, on the fifth date, he had surprised her with a romantic weekend at a small cabin in the woods. She had managed to make an excuse to leave before full-blown hysteria had set in, but she’d still ended up making a complete fool of herself. That had been the last she’d seen of him.

Pain in her hand pulled her from her thoughts. She had been gripping the marble countertop. She took a deep breath and stiffened her spine. She was here to do a job and to pay a debt. Staying focused on her goals was the way she survived. That couldn’t change now. Her personal feelings and hang-ups couldn’t matter.

“Ladies and gentlemen.” The pilot’s calm, baritone voice came over the intercom. “Looks like we’re in for some stormy weather up ahead. Might want to buckle up for the rest of the flight. Things could get bumpy.”

As she headed back to her seat, Jules couldn’t help but wonder if the pilot’s words were an omen for what was coming.

Chapter Twenty-One

Omar Schrader’s Estate
