Jules knew the reason. OZ tried to stay out of law officials’ business unless specifically asked. They did their best work under the guise of anonymity and secrecy.

At the building where Liam was, Ash tried the door, noting it was locked. Taking a small pouch from his pocket, he pulled out tools and had the door unlocked in seconds.

Gun at the ready, Jules went in low. Xavier went in high. Checking the feed on his phone, Ash whispered, “Basement.”

She knew they’d normally clear the building before going to the basement, but time was short. They needed to grab Liam and get out before anyone else showed up.

They walked into a kitchen area and headed toward a closed door. “Jules,” Ash said over his shoulder, “stay up top and keep watch. Xavier and I will—”

“Looking for someone?”

They whirled, guns pointed at the door. A battered and bleeding man leaned against the doorjamb. Both Ash and Xavier rushed forward and caught him before he could fall.

“Where are you hurt?” Xavier asked.

“Mostly bruises, but I might have a couple of broken ribs.” He grimaced and shifted, showing he was favoring his left leg. “Might have a broken foot, too. Bastard dropped a cement block on me.”

“Where’s that asshole now?”

Liam grinned, his white teeth stark against his bloodied face. “On the ground with a goose egg the size of Texas on the back on his head.”

“We’ve got company coming, so we need to get out of here.”

“That means Elena got away, called the cops.”


Liam nodded. “Let’s go.”

“Can you walk?”

“With a little help.”

With Xavier on one side and Ash on the other, they carried Liam toward the door. Jules went ahead of them to clear the way. The night was still quiet, and no one seemed to be about, but that was going to change soon. When the authorities arrived, this place and its residents were going to get an unpleasant surprise.

As she passed each building, she couldn’t help but wonder how many people were being held here against their will. Were they waiting, hoping that someone would show up to rescue them? Even though she knew help was on the way, she had an urge to find those victims and help them.

She knew how it felt to be helpless and lost, to feel as though there was no hope. Being back in Washington for the first time in years brought back memories she had furiously worked to destroy. What if someone behind those walls was enduring something similar? How could she not act?

She glanced back at Ash, and it was as if he read her mind. “They’ll get help soon. We need to focus on the mission.”

Okay, okay. The reminder was a good one. Help was coming.

They made it to their vehicle without incident. Jazz was in the driver’s seat of the SUV, engine running. In thirty seconds or less, they’d loaded Liam into the back and were racing down the highway.

Hearing sirens in the distance, Ash said, “Pull over into that area over there, Jazz, and kill the lights. They see traffic on this road, they’ll assume it’s related to the Brotherhood.”

“I’ll need to call Elena and let her know I’m okay,” Liam said.

As Jazz pulled into a clearing, she looked in the rearview mirror. “I talked with her, Liam. She’s aware we went in to get you.”

“That’s good. Thanks, Jazz.”

They waited, holding their breath as several patrol cars raced by, lights flashing but sirens silent.

Five minutes after the last patrol car passed, Jazz drove the car out of the woods and headed out again, away from the Brotherhood of Solace.

Chapter Twenty