
“Your new employment.”

“I only agreed to work for OZ a few moments ago. How did you know?”

“I imagine Drake anticipated your answer. He’s smart like that. You, on the other hand, I’m not so sure about. Drake told me you’re quick on the uptake. I may have to disavow him of his opinion.”

Jules couldn’t argue with that. She was being slow in comprehending. “Ash didn’t tell me the training would begin so soon.”

“Ash, is it?”

The amused speculation in the woman’s voice was irritating, but again Jules couldn’t argue with her reasons. She was being uncharacteristically stupid.

Regrouping, she took a breath and said, “That’s his name, isn’t it?”

This time, a soft laugh came from the corner. “Yes, I do believe it is.”

Okay, she had not only sounded defensive but just a little immature, too. Tired of the games, Jules reached back and hit the light switch. In an instant, light flooded the room, and she saw the woman was little more than a sprite.

“Don’t let my size deceive you. I can kick your ass.”

“I believe you.”


“Because you wouldn’t work for OZ if you couldn’t.”

“Good answer. And you’re right. But let’s talk about you. Think you can do the same thing?”

“Do I think I can kick your ass? Am I going to have to?”

“Mine and a few others.”

“When does this training begin?”

“It already has. We’ll travel back to the States in an hour. Get your things, and let’s go.”

No. That couldn’t happen. For her plan to work, she had to be at least in the same city with Drake. Not being in the same country would severely limit her ability to do her job.

Jules eyed the woman, assessing her words. “You’re bluffing.”

“Oh, really? Why do you say that?”

“For one thing, you’re obviously here in Budapest for a job.”

“So? Drake has reassigned me.”

“Then your job must not be very important for him to be able to do without you so easily.”

A gleam of admiration flared in the woman’s dark eyes. “Not too many people have the guts to insult me to my face.”

“You’ll soon learn that I’m quite gutsy.”

“You’ll need to be.” She abruptly stood, and Jules noted that the woman wasn’t as small as she’d first thought. Maybe five-two, five-three, but she was thin, almost fragile-looking. She also had an unhealthy pallor. This OZ operative was apparently so valuable that Drake needed her even in her sickly state.

“I’ll be here at seven a.m.”
