Turning left out of the hotel, she went toward the running path she’d discovered yesterday. Though there were several, she would have to take the shortest route today. Preparing for her dinner with Asher Drake would take more than her usual five-minute beauty regimen.

Two minutes after leaving the hotel, she spotted her tail. Drake’s or her employer’s? Didn’t really matter at this point. She needed this run and refused to let anyone destroy her enjoyment. Stretching her long legs, Jules put on the speed.

Running alongside the beautiful Danube was something she’d always wanted to do, and with each step, her worries lessened. It didn’t matter that her first meeting with Asher Drake hadn’t gone as planned. She had achieved what she’d wanted even earlier than expected. The fact that there was an attraction between them was an anomaly. It would pass.

Asking him for a job had been in the back of her mind all along. She wasn’t impulsive, but she hadn’t known for sure she would ask until the words had come from her mouth. It just made sense. Working for OZ would give her the access to Drake that she needed, impressing Turner in the process. And the work would be fascinating.

Once she’d accomplished her goals, she’d return home, to the life she’d built for herself. This was just a slight detour but would be so very worthwhile.

Even though her mind zoomed with various issues and plans, she never lost her situational awareness. Those days were gone for good. She’d worked her ass off to become someone else. In both body and mind, she was a completely different person. Even the nightmares had retreated to only occasionally, when she was tired or emotionally overwrought. Just like everything else she didn’t want in her life, Jules battled them ruthlessly until they were almost nonexistent.

Because of one horrific event, all her hopes and dreams had changed focus. While she could deeply regret the cause for that change, she could not regret the direction her life had taken. The choices she’d made weren’t the only ones she could have made. She could have gone in a thousand different directions, but her life and work suited who she was now.

Did Asher Drake feel the same way? His work wasn’t completely different than before his life was torn apart, but how he went about it had definitely changed.

Jules made her way back to the hotel, noting that her tail had given up on her. That told her that it had been Turner’s man and not one of OZ’s people.

If the woman h

ad lied and still planned to have her watched, she would have to get even more blunt than she’d been earlier. Asher Drake would spot a tail even quicker than Jules. The last thing she needed was for the OZ leader to wonder why his potential new employee was being followed. If he caught the man, he’d extract information from him—of that she had no doubt. Drake was known to be a master of inquisition.

Finding out Jules was working for one of Asher Drake’s biggest enemies would be a disaster of epic proportions.

Chapter Ten

Ash stood at the entrance to the restaurant, spotting Jules instantly. A half hour before their meeting time, he had texted her, asking that she meet him at the restaurant. Going up to her hotel room again was out. Until he knew her better, what she wanted from him, their meetings needed to be in public places. He still didn’t have a good grasp on Juliet Stone. He anticipated more lies at their dinner meeting.

What he had learned in the last few hours intrigued him immensely. In fact, he could not remember ever being this fascinated. The question that simmered in his head the most, though, was why did she continue to lie? Her résumé was not only easily proven, it was quite impressive. So why the deceit?

The instant she saw him, she gave him a quick, simple smile and stood to greet him.

“I’m glad you suggested this restaurant,” she said. “The concierge at my hotel recommended it when I first arrived.”

He waited until she’d settled back into her chair before sitting across from her. “I never miss the opportunity to come here when I’m in Budapest. They have the best goulash in the city.”

“Do you come to Budapest often?”

“On occasion. How about you?”

“This is my first visit. I already know I want to return so I can explore.”

“It’s a great city with an incredible history. Let me tell you about it.”

Throughout their meal, Ash concentrated on entertaining his dining companion with interesting tidbits about the city. To anyone looking on, they appeared to be having a delightful and friendly dinner. Only he and Jules were aware of the undercurrents that were as taut as a piano wire.

Her appearance was once again breathtaking. Wearing an off-the-shoulder white dress that made her skin glow, Jules Stone had the kind of beauty that was both timeless and seemingly effortless. Several people had given her second and third glances. Ash had come prepared to get answers but found himself delaying the inevitable. It had been a long time since he’d enjoyed an evening this much.

They both declined dessert but asked for coffee. When their cups were filled with steaming liquid and Jules had taken her first careful sip, Ash knew he could no longer put it off. The pretense needed to end.

“So tell me the story of Juliet Stone.”

The smile she gave him would have fooled almost anyone. Ash wasn’t just anyone. He sat back and waited for the lies to begin.

* * *

Though she had enjoyed the easygoing camaraderie, Jules couldn’t deny the relief of finally getting to the reason for their dinner meeting. She had been tense during their meal, anticipating when the questions would begin. Now that they had arrived, she settled herself down. She had lived this lie for over a decade; she knew it by heart.

“I was born and raised in Franklin, Tennessee. I’m an only child. My parents owned a chain of dry cleaners. I graduated from the University of Tennessee with a degree in art design.”