“And what is it you need help with, Ms. Stone?”

She hesitated, looking around at their surroundings again, showing that she really was worried about someone overhearing.

“If you’re concerned about eavesdroppers, don’t be. The couple sitting to our left works for me. The older gentleman on the right is a regular at the café and comes here daily. He has four cats, is an avid reader of historical fiction, and lost his wife of forty-five years two years ago last summer.

“The people at the other tables aren’t close enough to hear you. Also, I’ve noticed you move your head and tilt your face often to avoid anyone being able to read your lips.”

The tension in her shoulders lessened somewhat. “Okay. Good. I’m a freelance security specialist, specializing in corporate and government espionage. I’ve been hi

red by a small think tank out of California. Their job is to analyze and anticipate terrorist threats against the US before they can happen. They believe they have a mole within their organization. One who could take the information they’ve discovered and sell it to one of our enemies for the sole purpose of creating a terrorist attack they’re trying to prevent. I’ve been asked to identify the traitor.”

“Why you? Seems like this would be something the government might want to handle themselves.”

“They want an independent, nonpartisan person to evaluate the threat. I’ve developed a reputation for such things.”

“I see.” He inclined his head. “Go on.”

“I’ve thoroughly investigated each member of the team. They’re a small group of thirty-four, so it should be easy to narrow it down to find him or her. So far, I’ve had no luck.”

“How is Kate involved?”

“She’s not…except to suggest that I contact you. She told me about you…about your organization, Option Zero.”

“What did she tell you?”

“That you are a straight shooter. You won’t stop until a job is finished. And through your organization, you have contacts and ties most intelligence agencies only dream of having. She said you see things in intel that others can’t. And you’re one of the few people she trusts.”

“How is it you think that I or my organization can help?”

“I know that OZ doesn’t always abide by the rules. It’s going to take some rule-breaking to find the culprit.”

“And you don’t break rules?”

For the first time since they’d met, a genuine, full-blown smile curved her lips, and Ash caught his breath. He had suspected that this woman could be stunning, and she had just proven him right.

“On the contrary. I’m an avid rule-breaker. However, this particular job will require specific rule-breaking skills.”

“And you think I’m your man.”

Her eyes widened slightly, and he was gratified to realize he wasn’t the only one feeling the tug of attraction.

Oh yeah, he definitely wanted to break some rules with Jules Stone.

Chapter Seven

Jules eyed the man sitting on the sofa beside her. They’d met just over an hour ago, and now here he was in her hotel room, helping her. She hadn’t expected him to agree so quickly and certainly hadn’t expected him to be available immediately. She had thought she’d have to do a lot more convincing. Thought that he would do a more thorough check on her before he made a commitment. He’d texted with someone on the walk to the hotel, but that couldn’t have given him much information.

Even though she had studied everything about him, there were certain things she couldn’t know. Not only did the man make quick decisions, he wasn’t one to do so unless he was sure of the outcome. To know that he trusted her meant more to her than she wanted to accept.

Meeting Asher Drake was one of the most surreal moments of her life. Working with him was even more so.

The elevator ride had been another thing she hadn’t expected. Being in an enclosed space with him—only him. There were things she wanted to say, questions she longed to ask. But she couldn’t. They were personal and not germane to her set tasks. To maintain the professionalism she’d worked so hard for, she had to keep her distance.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

She had already decided she would be as honest as possible. That didn’t negate the lies she would have to tell, but every time she could give him the truth, she would. “I didn’t expect you to help me so quickly. We’ve already cleared three employees, and you’ve been here less than an hour.”

“It helps to have a variety of contacts who have connections.”