Ash had chartered a flight to Slovakia. On the way, he’d called in a couple of favors. When he’d landed, he’d been pleased to find exactly what he’d asked for waiting on him. The Black Hawk helicopter would make the kind of statement he needed. The team had arrived in the OZ jet not long after, and it’d taken less than five minutes to review the op details and get them back up in the air.

Jules had been at Schrader’s house for almost twelve hours. He told himself that she was one of the smartest, savviest, and most skilled operatives he’d ever known. He trusted her with his life, and he trusted her with her life. She knew how to survive.

His biggest worry was the fact that Omar had not called with any kind of demand. There was a reason he’d taken Jules and hadn’t gone after Ash. But why hadn’t he called and at the very least taunted him?

Ash knew he could make the call, but that would take away the surprise. Schrader believed he’d gotten away with taking Jules. He was likely enjoying the thought of Ash trying to find her without any idea about who had taken her or why.

He was wrong. In less than an hour, Omar Schrader was going to get the shock of his life.

Chapter Forty-Seven


Omar Schrader’s Estate

“Omar, just what do you think you’re doing?”

The smirk on Schrader’s face would have been comical if Jules wasn’t so infuriated. Did the idiot really think this was going to end well for him? Did he not realize whom he was going up against?

“You do not get to call me by my given name. That privilege is given only to people who don’t deceive me.”

“In your line of work, I don’t imagine you get called Omar very often, then.”

“Trust doesn’t come easy for me. Considering what you and your partner perpetrated, you’re fortunate I’m willing to negotiate your release.”


“Your freedom for the money Mr. Drake made off my auction.”

That confirmed her suspicions. No way did this man realize the hurt that would come down on him if he didn’t release her.

“Listen, Omar, I don’t know how you found out about Drake or me.” Although she had an inkling it involved Turner, there was no point in asking. There was only a limited amount of time before Ash arrived. And knowing him, he’d be bringing the team and a whole lot of firepower. “But you need to understand he’s not going to be in the mood to talk.”

“There will be no need to talk for long. I may, in fact, wait for several days. By the time I contact him, he’ll be desperate and will give me what he owes me.”

“And if he refuses? What then, Omar? Are you going to kill me?”

“It won’t come to that. I saw how he looked at you. He’ll do whatever is necessary to get you back.”

Yes, he would. Unfortunately, that would involve a lot of blood and possibly a few deaths. While she couldn’t say she was fond of Omar, watching him get killed out of sheer stupidity didn’t sit right with her.

The flight had been a long one. Jules had somehow fallen asleep and had woken to a pounding headache and an all-over body ache. Though her hands and legs were still tied, she’d realized she was too angry to worry about having a flashback. The anger had increased when she’d been hauled out of the plane and tossed into a cargo van. No one spoke, and she didn’t bother asking questions. They obviously had an agenda.

When the van had stopped, the door had slid open, and Omar had been standing in the drive in front of his mansion. The instant she’d seen him, she’d started yelling.

Looking somewhat startled at her anger, Omar had given a few quick orders to his men. Jules had been untied and allowed to use the bathroom. A guard had then led her to a living room. The same one where she had ended Renee Kirkson’s life. The memory of that night might have made an impact, but seeing Omar sitting on the sofa with a grin of triumph on his face had erased the worry.

She glanced at the window, noting the darkness. “What time is it?”

“Almost nine.” He gave her an almost kind smile. “I don’t want to hurt you, Ms. Stone. The man who hit you has been reprimanded. Once I have the money owed to me, you’ll be released. In the meantime, I really do wish you would accept my offer of a meal. It’s been hours since you’ve eaten and you’re looking a bit peaked. My chef can make you any dish you desire.”

More exasperated by the minute, Jules snapped, “Make the call, Omar. Let’s get this done with.”

“Very well.” He took a phone from his pocket, pressed a few keys, and then placed the phone on the table in front of them. “I put it on speaker so we can both discuss the terms with him.”

As Jules figured, the call went to voice mail, and Omar frowned in confusion at the phone. “I’m sure that’s the number I’ve always used to reach him. He’s never not answered.”

That was because Ash was not in the mood to talk. Before she could explain that to the idiot across from her, Jules heard a loud thump…thump…thump.