Resisting the urge to throw his phone into a nearby lagoon and curse a blue streak, Ash reined in his anger. Turner had told him this was bigger than he could even imagine. He had known there were more people involved. What he hadn’t considered was that Turner might have been a pawn. She was no longer useful, had become a liability. They had taken her out of the equation before she could destroy their plans.

Three questions pounded in his brain: What were those plans? Was a new pawn already set to replace her? And just who the hell were they?

* * *

Jules moaned in pleasure as Ash applied sunscreen to her bare back. The hot sun beat down in glorious warmth, and the snow of Montana although exquisitely beautiful, was a distant memory.

“Feel good?”

“Cannot imagine anything feeling better.”

“Is that right?” He leaned closer and whispered, “Then I guess I’d better step up my game tonight.”

“Oh, your game is just fine, Mr. Drake. In fact, your game wore me out this morning.”

He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, causing all sorts of tingles throughout her body. This man, with one caress, could cause the most amazing chain reaction.



“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be back home, working to find Turner’s killer?”

When Ash had returned from grabbing the novel she’d left in her suitcase, she hadn’t expected the news about Turner. The knowledge that someone more evil, with more power than Turner, was still out there calling the shots was unsettling. They had known there were more, but to what end? For what purpose did they exist?

“We’ve done all we can for now. It could be weeks before the coroner determines cause of death.”

“You know as well as I do that she was murdered.”

“Yes, and I also know that whoever is responsible will still be around when we get back.”


Ash pressed a finger to her lips. “Serena and her team are digging. Until we have intel to go on, all we’ll be doing is running around in circles.”

She sighed. “You’re right.”

“If you’re bored, I can give you a special OZ assignment.”

Rolling over, she propped her head on her hand and grinned at him. “Oh yeah?”

Ash pulled her on top of him and whispered an order she was more than happy to comply with. Laughing with both joy and delight, Jules gave herself up to the wonderful moments of being in Ash’s arms. Even though sadness, wars, and evil still existed, these pockets of happiness were what made life worth living.

* * *

Ten days later

“Can’t believe our vacation is over. Sure you don’t want to move OZ to Tahiti?”

The glowing, golden woman with the cinnamon freckles sprinkled across her nose was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Their time together had been exactly what they’d needed. Not only had the haunted look completely disappeared from Jules’s eyes but Ash felt a peace he’d didn’t think he’d ever experienced.

“I think we could get a few operatives onboard, but it would take a bulldozer to get Rose to move.”

“Why’s that?”

“Five grandchildren within an hour of her house.”

“You’re right. OZ can’t do without Rose.”