“Make it five. There are a couple of other operatives that’ll go up with them. They’ve got to be worth something, too.”

“Very well, but that’s all I’ll authorize.”

“You’ve got yourself a deal, Senator.”

Turner stood. “Can you do it soon? I have some plans for the future and would like to have this nasty business far behind me before I announce them to my constituents.”

“I’ll take care of it within the next couple of weeks.”

“All right. Text me photos as soon as it’s done. I’ll deposit your fee the same way I did for the Drake job.”

Her eyes as cold as ice, Turner added, “And for the record, Ms. Diamond, let’s not see each other again.”

“Not a problem.”

Jules walked out the door and got into the car waiting a block away. Her expression never changed, but her heart was pounding like a jackhammer in her chest. They had done it. They’d actually done it. Senator Nora Turner had just been recorded ordering the murders of several American citizens.

She was going down, and she was going down hard.

Ash opened the door to the hotel room, and Jules flew into his arms. “We did it. We actually did it.”

“No, baby. You did it. I’ve never been so proud of anyone in my life.”

Pulling from his arms, her eyes twinkling with happiness, she said, “Pretty damn good if I do say so myself.”

“I’d say incredible.” Covering her mouth with his, Ash kissed her. Longing, pride, relief intermixed with a love so profound he couldn’t comprehend his next breath without her.

“I would tell you guys to get a room, but you already have one.”

Laughing, Jules pulled away and peeked around Ash’s shoulder to see her fellow OZ operatives all grinning at her. “Wow, the gang’s all here.”

“We are.” Holding up a glass filled with something sparkling, Eve smiled at her. “You done good, newbie.”

“High praise coming from the queen of undercover,” Jazz called out.

Drinks were poured, and more toasts were made. It occurred to Ash that this was the first time in years they’d actually celebrated anything. Sitting around a local watering hole rehashing an op was a far cry from an actual celebration. The fight wasn’t over, but for this moment, they needed to feel good about what they’d accomplished.

Ash took a swallow of champagne and watched Jules with the rest of the team. When she’d first arrived at OZ, he’d been concerned that she would continue to hold herself separate. He now understood why she had done that. The lies she’d told had driven an invisible wedge between her and the others. But now the secrets were out, and the OZ operatives were all on the same page.

“She’s a natural.”

Ash sent Gideon a small smile. “Remind you of anyone?”

“Yeah. In fact, she might be better than Eve. And if you tell Eve I said that, I’ll shoot you.”

“It’ll never leave my lips.”

“So what now?”

“It’s already in FBI hands. The moment Jules was safe, I sent the recording to a trusted friend there. I’d say Turner has about an hour or so to feel smug. Then life as she knows it is over.”

“Think she’ll give up the names of the others?”

“Doubt it. At least not at first. She’s got too much to lose to admit to anything. Down the road, though, I think she’ll sell out for a deal.”

“You good with that?”

“Am I good with cutting a deal with the woman responsible for letting Clark go so he could kill my wife? Hell no. But I’ve learned to compromise. It’ll be good enough to know her career is over and that she’ll serve some time. Maybe not as long as she deserves, but again, good enough.”