“You guys have fun. Shay and I will be at the party whenever you all decide to come.” He gives Kings a one handed half hug then we part. Kingston opens my door and helps me in. My stomach feels heavy with regret, excitement and arousal.

Hoping in, he throws his leather jacket in the backseat and starts up the car. Turning the heater on, we wait in silence, his eyes focused out the window for what feels like years while mine stay glued to the side of his ticking jaw.

“Lana, baby you have to leave him. You have to.” He finally breaks the brief silence, turning to look at me.

“I know, I’m just scared—terrified actually.” I rub my shaky palms, now covered in sweat over my jean clad thighs. I’m feeling big in this small car, my emotions swelling me it seems.

“Baby, please, I’ll keep you safe, we can go together tomorrow and I’ll tell him. Your parents are out of town, Trey and Shayla can go somewhere safe. He won’t be able to hurt anyone.”

“Joel will have them followed. I know he will,” I say in a panic when I realize that this conversation is actually happening.

“No baby, he won’t. Shit, we can have them leave tonight. Are his guys watching them now?”

I shake my head rapidly. “No, but who’s to say he won’t by the time we even end this conversation?”

“Lana, we can’t let him come to Seattle, we can’t have you in danger anymore. He’ll go too fucking far one day. Don’t you get that?” He slams his fist down and I shiver, pulling my knees up to my chest my feet sit on the edge of the seat as I rock.

“Kingston, please don’t yell at me, it scares me...I’m just scared for you guys. I don’t care if he kills me. I don’t want him to hurt you,” I whisper, my body breaking into a full-on shake.

“Baby, come here,” he softens his voice and I look over at him, he’s relaxed, no longer tense like seconds ago. “Come on, it’s okay, it’s me Lana, it’s me,” he repeats and I hesitantly reach out and take his hand. He maneuvers us so I somehow straddle his lap. I weigh ninety-six pounds now, so I fit perfectly in his lap, no matter the confined space.

“Look at me.” I look up from behind the veil of hair covering my face. Moving it out of the way with his large calloused hands, he cradles my face making my cold colorless cheeks warm.

“I won’t let him hurt me, or you, or our fucking friends, especially Trey and Shayla.” There’s no hesitation, not an ounce of doubt in his voice as he promises me this. “Believe me, baby. Believe that I love you enough to keep you safe. Don’t ask me to protect him any

more. I won’t do it. He is ruining you baby, destroying you from all the way inside your perfect soul to the outside of your beautiful body. Please...” One lone tear drops with his plea.

“Don’t, please don’t cry, Kings. I will, okay. I’ll leave him, I trust you to protect me,” I say the air rushing out of me. Grabbing his face, I cradle him in my hands. I kiss his face, his forehead first, then each of his closed eyes as he takes in my surrender. Moving from his eyes, I kiss his perfect nose, sharp and sculpted to fit perfectly on his handsome face.

“Fuck, Lana.” He releases me, frustrated. I lean back unsure of what’s wrong.

“What, Kings what?”

“You sound unsure, like you don’t want this. Lana, do you still love him, baby? Please tell me you don’t love him.” I choke on a sob, fighting the thick despair in my voice, the angry tears that so badly want to fall. How can he think that?

“No, baby...no—I just...I...”

“Did you just call me baby?” he asks, on a pained whisper, his voice so low I almost miss the question.

“Yes, I’m sorry, it just happened...” I look down, fiddling with his shirt.

“No, don’t say sorry, just say it again, call me baby again,” he begs pulling me in closer. I search his eyes and I feel the tightness in my stomach release.

“Baby...” I trail off while he soaks in my words closing his eyes.

“Tell me you don’t love him, tell me it’s not him anymore. Promise me you’ll leave him, Lana.”

Without pause, I do just that. “I’m scared to let him go because I know he won’t let me go easily. I know what’s at stake, but I trust in you and I trust in us that I know we’ll survive it. I do not love him, Kingston Donovan. I can’t love someone I hate. I couldn’t love him even if he was a saint because my heart has no more room, my heart is filled with you.”

“Oh Lana, fuck. My heart is yours. I’m yours. I’ve waited for you since the day I was old enough to know what this was. I love you, baby.” He leans into me with a touch to aid his perfect words. Our lips find holy ground when they touch again. My hands flattening on his defined pecs, where I feel his heartbeat, bringing me back to life.

Our tongues finally touch after years of desire and he tastes better than what I ever imagined. I know I’m still with Joel, but I don’t care. I can no longer be faithful to a monster when I’m being doused in the light of glory. My King.

“Touch me, take away the pain, make me forget it,” I say as I part our lips but an inch, our breath heavy and mingling, dancing on the tips of each other’s lips.

“My bed, I need you in my bed. I won’t take you in a car,” he lets out as I grind down on his hard cock.

“Please just something, just one touch. I need to feel you in all the places that are broken and unloved,” I say, taking his upper lip in between mine. Sex with Joel was pitiful, sorrowful—forced. I never wanted his touch, but never told him no. I was never safe enough to do so and never cherished enough to want it. I want to know the touch of my lover, the feel of my best friend, the rescue of my King.