“Fuck you!” All hope of keeping calm is now vanished. Instead, I’m angry and fucking determined to let this man know I ain’t fucking playing. He chuckles and it’s like I’m looking into the eyes of the devil.

“I take it you got my package and not L.”

“Don’t you dare call her that, you don’t even get to say her name,” I spit angrily onto the window. He’s so fucking calm, no sign of fear or remorse—nothing. “You will stay the fuck away, this is your only warning. You can have your goons do your dirty work but this stops now. You stay away from my woman or I won’t just have you locked up, I’ll fucking bury you.” I slam my fist down. I should just hang up but the twitch of his brow and the dark grin on his face wields me to stay.

“Kingston. There is no proof that it was me. But I can tell you this. She’s mine and when I get out of here, I’ll come to collect my property back. So enjoy the year, it will fly by and then poof.” He signs a cloud of smoke with his hand. “She’ll be gone, for good.” Standing he drops the phone and the guards take him away. I scream at the glass, slamming my fist against it repeatedly.

“You touch her and you’ll regret it!” I scream, my face red, my neck strained. The guards grab me as my vision tunnels black. I feel like I’m losing control. What the fuck do I do? Finally calming myself down enough so they will let me go, I step outside to the fresh Utah air and breath deep. Bending I put my hands on my knees, blinking rapidly to dance away the black dots. When I stand back to full height I run my hands up and down my face, lost at what to do. I wasn’t even in there five minutes with him and yet he found a way to completely obliterate my security and confidence in Lana being safe. I actually fear for the first time that I can’t protect her. Joel’s insane, his eyes, his words, his face, he has all the markings of a lost, conscienceless soul who will stop at nothing to have what he wants. My Queen.

What can I fucking do?

I make it to the detective’s office in less than thirty minutes with his threat still echoing and the black in his eyes still lingering in my mind. Looking at him and listening to his threats took me back to four years ago when I saved her life. I can’t let that happen again.

“Kingston, wow look at you, you’ve gotten...bigger.” Looking up I see Detective Henson. I’ve known him since before Joel’s arrest. My father and him go way back, so he’s known me since my fat ass was in diapers.

Grabbing the envelope with the pictures, I stand and give him a hug. “Hey Detective.” Pulling away, he waves his hand.

“Please call me Greg, we know each other, son. Come, take a seat.” Following him in his office I take a seat while he sits behind his desk.

“So what’s new, how’s your dad? I haven’t talked to him in a couple months.” My knee bounces, unable to settle. I make quick work of small talk. “He’s great. Life is good, we’re here visiting Lana’s parents.”

“Oh good, how is Lana?” His brows draw in with concern.

“She’s great, we’re pregnant.” I smile, taking a moment to think of something positive. The vision of her pregnant assaults my mind just like I need it to.

“Wow, congratulations! That’s exciting news!” he cheers and I nod.

“Thank you, we’re very excited.”

“I guess that begs the question. What are you doing here, son?” he changes the subject, not knowing much of why I’m here since I didn’t give him a heads up. I stare at the envelope for a second, convincing myself to show him. Lana is naked in some of these, vulnerable and beaten down. I don’t know if I want to show him.

“We have to keep her safe.” I hear Trey whisper in my subconscious.

I slide the envelope across his desk and he stares at it quizzically. I drop my face into my hand, my elbow resting on the arm of the chair. He finally opens it and I bring my eyes to him, watching his face the entire time.

“What in the world—where did you get these?” he asks, glancing up at me, then back down to the pictures in his hands. My fists tighten and release over and over again, while I lean forward.

“Those were left on Lana’s doorstep back in Seattle a few weeks back. I know it’s Joel, Greg. He admitted that he was the one behind it when I went to see him today.” He shakes his head, covering his mouth. For a detective to be stunned by these pictures tells me I’m warranted to be afraid for my woman.

“Kingston, these are terrible. Did you report this?”

I shake my head. “No, I didn’t know if I should come to you or the cops here,” I confess nervously.

“You did the right thing coming here. I will look into this. But you need to file a report with the Seattle PD since they were left there and technically this is harassment. You mind if I keep a copy of these?” I

shake my head no, a little hesitant to leave those type of pictures of Lana with anyone, but he is good at what he does and I trust this man.

“No, go ahead.”

“Is this all that has been given to her?”

“No. There were more pictures of them when they dated, with a note saying she would like them since she missed him and she will see him soon. He has someone on the outside doing this. Maybe one of the men he had following her around when they dated.”

“Where is that note and the pictures?” he asks.

“I threw them away in a panic. I didn’t want her to see them.” Closing the envelope back up, I breathe deep. Knowing that I have to report this to the police back home is nerve-racking enough, because if she finds out, this whole thing will be for fucking nothing.

“Kingston, we need more evidence. This can come from anyone. Joel has a no contact order. We would need more to prove that it’s in fact him or the other people you are saying it is.”