“Ow! And yes, yes it is! He always makes me l

augh.” She sits up from her bent position and blushes.

“Oh god, really mom!” I shake my head, incredulously. “You have fallen for the Kingston charm. Damn, he must be good to rope you in.”

She pops her hip against the door frame, finally finished laughing at all that is Kingston. Crossing her arms she gives me a sweet smile. “He’s pretty dang cute, I’m glad you finally got together. Wish I would have known about it before you came home.” She drops her chin and tilts her head, raising her eyebrows as she scolds me with a look.

“I know. It happened fast.” I twiddle my thumbs looking over my shoulder to see Kingston sprinting up the steps with his duffle bag and my suitcase, which is big enough for a six month trip to a deserted island. Feeling giddy with excitement over the fact that he carries it all with no problems—my muscle man—I admire his physique.

“Hi Becky.” He leans around me and kisses my mom’s cheek before winking at me. “Shall we? I’m exhausted from the flight and I need a drink.”

“Come on in my babies.” Moving aside to make room for my huge boyfriend and all my crap, my mom waits for him to pass before wrapping her arm around me.

“I missed you, baby.”

“I missed you too, mama.” I love her arms around me, makes me feel like I’m home, reminds me of when I was a kid. She’s thin like me, a little more gifted in the chest area, which I envy. She has dark brown hair and matching brown eyes. But other than that, I look like my daddy. Same cheeks, same eye shape, same megawatt smile. Speaking of dad.

“When does dad get back from leave in California?” My dad travels to California once a month to help with training new recruits for the Marines.

“He gets in tomorrow morning—early, so be ready. He wants to do something fun with you and you know daddy.” I nod.

“You should rise with the sun, not sit on your ass and wait for dawn.” We say in unison, deepening our voices in attempt to sound like him. We chuckle.

“Okay. Well, it’s only three. I’m gonna take a nap and then maybe you and I could cook some dinner together, like old times?” I loved baking, cooking, anything in the kitchen with my mom. Growing up I learned certain smells and when I was old enough to learn to cook, I would describe the smells to her and ask her how to make them. During my time with Joel I would cook with her to feel some semblance of normalcy.

A tinge of guilt pegs in the pit of my stomach as I think about all the times I lied to my parents, telling them I was at Shay’s house, when really I was staying or worse, hiding out with Joel. My dad didn’t even know Joel existed for the first year of our two year relationship.

If I wouldn’t have been so naive and afraid back then I know I could’ve gone to my dad and told him about the abuse and he would have handled the whole thing.

“You think about him too much, Lana.” I move toward the stairs and give a quick look back.

“It’s hard to escape real life nightmares mom. But I’m trying.” Giving me an understanding nod, I walk up the stairs. I know she gets it, she can feel the darkness lingering still. But with Kingston, those fears are being summoned to a dark distant place where they belong, one little moment at a time.

Stepping into my childhood bedroom the smell of lavender and cotton assaults my nose, the sound of running water fills my ears. I see our things placed under the window facing the green capped Timpanogos mountains, my white curtains still the same, but the carpet has been replaced and is now shaggy tan instead of the ugly blue carpet I used to have. My mom upgraded the room a ton more since my last visit, my new bedspread is intricate swirls of gray and yellow, new wall decor adorning the walls.

Kingston made himself right at home, not nervous at all around my mother. They always got along.

“Lock the door,” Kingston demands with a rough edge to his already deep voice, from the bathroom doorway. I about swallow my own tongue when I see him standing there completely naked. The muscles on his arms are so large he can’t put his arms completely straight against his sides, his tattoos are dark and detailed covering most of his body. I lick my lips while looking over his defined six pack, the dips in his stomach right before his adonis ‘V’. That sexy deep line runs down the middle of his stomach where his abs meet, my most favorite part of his flawless physique.

“My mom’s downstairs. We can’t do that while we’re here.” I blush, locking the door anyway. Even while my mouth says no, my hormonal horny body obeys his command.

“Get over here. Take off that sexy little sundress and show the King some pretty skin.” I cross my legs and arms at the same time, I’m defiant up top and horny down under.

“No.” I stand my ground.

“No? Alright, be that way.” When I think he has given up, my stomach drops just a bit. Turning so his back is to me, he lifts his arms above his head and stretches, his back pulling and his muscles straining. His perfect ass on display for me, rounded and pert, the little brown freckle on his right buttock making me smirk. But still, I stand my ground and wait for him to finish stretching. When he does I wait for him to walk the rest of the way in the bathroom and take a shower alone. But he doesn’t.

“You say no, but I know you want to make love, baby. Look at your hard nipples and your crossed legs. You’re turned on.”

“Kings, I’m pregnant. It’s the hormones. Don’t flatter yourself.” I recross my arms covering my nipples, those traitors.

“You’re fuckin’ sassy right now. I think you need me and you’re just testing the heat of the fire.”

“I do not,” I huff, quickly swiping a piece of hair from my face. My nerves rising with the hair on the back of my neck, that familiar tingle of arousal building.

“Oh yeah, you’re not itching for some of me, craving me like a drug?” he questions moving toward me slowly, his cock starting to harden. I try not to look but I can’t help it, I’m aroused but he doesn’t need to know that. “I’m your fix baby, I’ll be your fucking high if you need. I know you love the crash.”

My breath hitches and my pulse speeds up, kicking into overdrive. “Kingston.” I swallow loudly, his words prove to be true.