“I know, I thought about you a lot today, too.” I nestle my head into her hand while she plays with my hair.

“Good, I know it’s hard to not think of me.” She throws her head back letting out a throaty laugh, her newly cut hair falling behind her. She could bring men to their knees with that smile, sail ships, make earth fucking stand still with it.

“You’re so beautiful, my Queen. How did I get so lucky?”

“I think it might be a little bit of everything. You’re smart—sometimes.” She winks and I reach around to pinch her ass. “You make me laugh so much Kingston. You really have no idea how much you make me laugh every day.” Bending, her soft pink lips touch mine, my top lip lingers between hers. We stay locked in this kiss for a few seconds, she keeps me right there on the edge with her.

“You also do this thing with your mouth. You make me laugh with it, you make me irritated with it...you make me come with it.” She hasn’t moved but an inch from my face, with her last words her tongue escapes her lips and laps at my bottom one before biting it.

“Fuck, I want to make you come right fucking now with this mouth.” She giggles and my balls weigh heavy, now filled and ready to drain in her.

“Yeah?” She drops her hand from my face and moves her pointer finger in a lazy trail down my chest. I swallow hard when she leans down and licks my neck, right next to my damn throat. “You seem stressed, maybe tonight a

fter dinner we can go back to your place and I can spoil you. How’s that sound?” Her hot breath on my sensitive skin feels intoxicating. I wanna let her spoil me, but the King wants to do the spoiling tonight. She’s been so fucking good to us lately.

“You’ve been such a champ with us lately. You deserve to have the spoiling done to you.” Leaning back she stares down at me.

“How so?”

“You’ve been selfless and put your past behind you to love me. You fight every day to let me in deeper and that makes you a champion—a warrior in my eyes.”

“You made me believe I can be a Queen, isn’t that what they are? Warriors?” I clasp my hand over hers, just over my heart where it sits.

“Yeah, Lana. They are. You are.” Silence surrounds us for a few calming moments before I speak again.

“Let’s get to dinner and have a great night. You look sexy and I need to show you off.”

“Duh. I’m kinda hot.”

“No, Lana, you have a serious ass.”

“Oh geez, let’s go big boy.”

All through dinner I couldn’t truly focus on Lana, my mind drifting to the damn pictures I found.

During dinner Lana smiled carelessly, completely without inhibition, something she hasn’t done in far too long. I knew she could tell something was bothering me because she had to pull me out of my head space a couple times, calling me out on my shit. She tried to interrogate me, but I deflected like no one’s business.

Now we sit in the car driving home, the music turned up loud enough to keep her busy, singing along. I don’t want to go home, I want to do something that will keep me distracted, keep my mind from playing on live reel.

“Wanna go somewhere, baby?” I ask. turning down the radio. She stops singing and brings her eyes to me.

“Yeah, we can go somewhere else, you don’t want to go home?” she asks, reaching her hand over the middle console where it lands on my knee before sliding it up and over my cock, instantly waking him up.

I growl, “Don’t tease me, Lana.” Shooting her a squinted glare, she smiles over at me biting that plump lip of hers. Lana has the sexiest full lips, almost like they’re fake, but they’re real as fuck.

“I don’t want to tease, baby. I wanna be fucked.” Her crass words have me large and instantly hard. But fucking isn’t what I want right now.

“I don’t want to fuck you.” She backs down before I finish, tucking her hair behind her ear and looking down at her hands now in her lap.

“Oh.” Shit, that didn’t come out right. “I’m sorry, is it my outfit? Does it look bad?” she questions, righting the fabric over her.

“No, baby. I wasn’t finished. I want you, yes, but right now, I wanna take you somewhere. I don’t want hard tonight, I want soft and slow.” Her sad solemn eyes light up and I release my held breath.

“Really? Kings, baby, tell me what’s wrong. Don’t hide from me, handsome.” The feel of her warm palm touching my cheek invites me to open up.

“I just had a fucked up day, sometimes I get a little too caught up in things and it’s exhausting.” I decide to tell her some half-truth about today, because Joel is never gonna weasel himself back in, I will handle that shit on my own.

“One of the bands didn’t show today so now we’re behind and we have overbooking issues. It’s just shit mama.” She frowns, her nails scratching along the side of my head. My eyes blink lazily as we pull up outside my studio.