“Just like our love,” he says and I smile at the calm simplicity that’s fallen over us. He takes a swig of his beer and rubs the ball of my foot with his free hand. Domestication feels like home for the first time in a long time.

“Just like ours, baby.”

“I wanna take you out tomorrow. What are your plans?” I take a sip of my water and turn on my back, giving him my full attention, while Marilyn talks about marrying a millionaire in the background.

“I haven’t seen Shayla since she got married, other than at work, so we’re gonna shop and have lunch.” I fiddle with the hem of his shirt I’m wearing, nervous his reaction may be disavowed, Joel hated when I made plans without telling him first.

“Sounds good to me, I’ll steal you away for the night. That sound alright to you?” He takes another sip of his Corona then places it on the coffee table, before climbing over me, spreading my legs with his hips.

Gulping, I look up into his kind eyes. Seeing zero rage, I will my nerves to relax. “Sounds perfect. What should I wear?”

Lifting his hand under my top his hand grazes over my chest, while he looks above my head, he’s really picking out something for me to wear while groping my chest. I am still highly insecure about my scar, but he is helping me find some sort of peace with it. I chuckle when his eyes brighten and his smile flares.

“You know that sundress you wore the day before Shay’s wedding, the red one?” I nod. “That one. You look so beautiful in that dress.”


??You like me in dresses.” Joel hated me in dresses, they showed too much skin.

“Yes, I do, you look stunning in dresses. All that tan skin showing makes me proud to show off such a beautiful woman like you, baby.” Kissing me quickly on the lips he jumps back and repositions my feet onto his lap. Laughing he tickles my feet. I smile at how perfect this night is going.

“You’re glowing this morning, L. How did it go with my brother yesterday? You pissed him off pretty bad at the bar, ya know?” I shift through the maternity clothes. I feel like everything in here is for women over the age of fifty. I would still like to be cute while pregnant.

“Yeah, Kings and I worked all our stuff out. We’re kind of a couple now, actually.” She stops sifting through the rack. Turning to me she gives me her wide, pearly smile.

“Like boyfriend, girlfriend couple? Or just exclusive friends with benefits couple?” I laugh. Shay’s more excited than I am, I think.

“First off, he’s the only guy I’ve been having sex with and second yes, like the real deal.”

“Oh my God! Yes! Lana! This is a big deal!” Jumping up and down like a teenager she squeals, pulling me in for a hug. I see the associate glaring at us, like we’re disturbing the only two people here, one of them being her. I toss my best bitch face at her and she goes back to counting her money. I finally wrap my arms around Shay’s wiggling body, trying to settle her down. It does nothing but make her hold tighter and shake harder.

“I bet my brother is on cloud nine! Oh my gosh I need to call him. I’ll be back! Ahhh!!!” I watch her run out of the store, snorting at her enthusiasm. I grab my phone out of my pocket and read the messages waiting for me. I have some from my mom and I cringe when it hits that I still need to tell my parents. Shit. My dad is a Sergeant in the Marines and he acts like nothing less of one. Controlling, moody, and always has to be right. He also hates Kingston, he always thought he was a punk kid who chased tail all the time... honestly, he kinda did, so.. I read my mom’s first.

Mama: Hey baby. Dad and I want to FaceTime tonight. Dad put in his papers for retirement and we want to go over some things. Call us tonight sweetie, love you! xoxo

I smile at my mom’s text, she honestly reminds me of a sister. She hasn’t aged a day and she’s a hippie at heart. How she ended up with Mr. Marine with a tight stick up his ass, I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, I love my dad, but I’m the only child and I’m a girl, so for a Sergeant you can imagine how protective he is over me.

Kingston 2.0

I send her a quick yes with a heart emoji, then open my other text from Kings. Not thinking anything of it, I open it up and there’s a video. I press play and the screen is black, then his bedroom ceiling comes into view. I’m sure it was an accident video.

That is until I see his giant, veiny cock spring into the shot, his hand running up and down it. Then like a freight train, his voice fills the small shop with him moaning my name. I hurry and shut down my phone, fumbling and dropping it right after I click it to silent and close my message app.

Bending I pick it up, rising back up slowly praying I didn’t get any attention from someone. I thank fuck when I see the associate on the phone and the other customer is nowhere in sight. She probably bounced when she realized she wouldn’t find any clothes other than ones that give off the “we will never have sex again” vibe. Wise choice.

I find an empty corner and reopen my messages, not finishing the video—that will have to wait till later. Me yelling at him, however, doesn’t need to.

Me: You are such a jerk. I opened that nice video in public...in a store...a maternity store! What’s wrong with you!?

I glance up really quick, checking my surroundings again. My phone vibrates gaining my attention back.

Kingston my fucking King: I got home from the gym and you know it makes me horny, it’s my cooldown. You know...to fuck you. ;D

Did he seriously change his name in my phone to Kingston my fucking King? Really?

Me: We had sex like four times last night, my God. And please tell me how the gym makes you horny?? You aren’t normal. Just for that I’m withholding sending you selfies for the next week. You are selfie grounded.

I smile at my wittiness, Kings is usually the funny one.