“Yup. I mean it Lana, no party.”

“Okay. Bye...”

He hangs up before I even finish, like the classy gentleman he is. I take a moment to collect myself. Putting on my game face, I head into the restaurant to wait for Kingston and Trey, their shift ends at nine. Checking my phone I see it’s 8:29.

Walking in I’m immediately greeted by a few members of the staff.

“Hey Lana! You want your regular booth?” Julie, the sweet red headed pixie asks me, her dimples looking adorable on her round face.

“Yeah, thank you,” I reply back keeping my head low. I feel embarrassed being so soft spoken when I’m around big crowds, I used to flourish in them, reveal in being me, but now I get scared to even talk to those who aren’t in my close circle.

“Perfect! Let’s go!” I follow her peppy step with my reserved one. We pass by Trey as he sets down drinks and winks at me over his shoulder.

“Hey L.”

“Hey.” I smirk, giving a slight wave. When we approach my booth in the back corner of the roadhouse themed restaurant, I scoot into the booth quietly.

“Dr. Pepper?” Julie asks and I nod politely with a grin. I come here all the time and wait for Kings and Trey to get off work. Usually Shayla is with me but she had to work her last shift at the store tonight, mine was yesterday. Bouncing off with a pep in her step, Julie nods and heads to get my drink.

I still haven’t seen Kings since I walked in, meaning his order is probably up. Distracting myself I pull out my phone and see my waiting text.

Joel: Your parents aren’t home. Where did they go?

I hurry and reply, knowing he will see I read it. If I don’t answer back fast enough he’ll think I’m out doing something I shouldn’t, which I am in his eyes and the last thing I need to do is tip him off.

Me: They had to fly to California right after my graduation for the Annual Ball. They wanted to get back before we leave for Seattle so they left as soon as graduation was over. Why?

I hate that the last few days here in Utah, I will be without my parents, but dad is a Sergeant and he has to be there.

Joel: My guys drove by, noticed they were gone. I was curious. What are you doing?”

I choke, nervous. Does that mean they are headed to the apartment to make sure I am there? I think up a lie, a way to answer inconspicuously.

Me: I just stopped to grab some dinner before heading home. If your guys drive by I will be home in ten minutes. Just so you know, baby.

I type out baby with slow heavy fingers, feeling disgusted, even typing them feels like selling my soul to the devil, but I don’t want to tip him off.

Joel: They aren’t. They have shit to do tonight. They just happened to be in your parents’ neighborhood. Get home fast. Don’t fucking piss around, Lana.

I take a deep breath, reading his text over again. Double, hell, even triple checking that I read that right. You’re off the hook tonight, Lana, relax.

Me: Yes. Be safe tonight.

I type that while my brain screams, please someone punch this fuck-face so hard he sees stars.

Joel: Start packing. What are you eating btw?

Me: A hamburger from In-N-Out.

I think this up on the spot, trying to reply fast enough to keep him in the dark.

Joel: Lana, didn’t I tell you needed to lay off the fast food? You have gained way too much weight. No wonder I cheat on you, you don’t give me a choice, baby. Come on...

My eyes well with tears. No matter the hate I have for him, nor the knowledge that he is fucked up in the head, it still hurts. Still burns like a cowpoke branding me right in my chest.

Me: I can toss it. I wasn’t that hungry anyway. I have lost three pounds since last week.

Looking down I assess the parts of my body I can see, knowing those three pounds came off from my lack of eating and increased case of anxiety. Joel has me on high alert, even more so now that we’re moving to Seattle.