“True. So, when can we be there to help?”

“You don’t have to dad, we got it.”

“Damn it, Kingston. I’m getting old, I’m not dead, what time?” I don’t argue.

“Be there at nine. I will bring her there after breakfast.”

“Good. See you then son and hey... I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks, dad.”

Ending our conversation I hear the door knob rattle just seconds later.

“Kingston?” Opening the door she drops her purse on the mini table by the front door, then makes her way toward the kitchen.

“Hey baby, holy fucking shit look at you! Fucking glowing, mmmmm turn around let me see all of you.” She smirks, rolling her eyes.


“Baby, did you just tell the King no?” I ask stalking toward her.

“Yes, I did, you need to be told no more often. Look at me, I’m a whale, I should have told you no a hundred times.” She signals to her stomach. I reach for her hand and laugh, pulling her as close to me as our baby bump will let us.

“Funny, if I remember correctly, no was the farthest thing from those lips when you were screaming, yes! Yes! Yes!” I moan out loud, mocking her sexy cries of passion.

“Stop it! You little shit!” She smacks my chest, doing nothing to hide the little smatter of blush on her high apple cheeks.

“You love my perverted ways.” She shakes her head.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I tend to fake it so your ego doesn’t get hurt.”

“Oh, really. You’re really good at faking it then. Maybe we shouldn’t have sex till the baby comes, since I’m not that good at it.” Letting her go, I leave her and make my way to get pizza.

“Maybe we shouldn’t.” My back bunches, yet I stay in poker mode. I wasn’t expecting that.

“Okay, sounds good. I’m gonna get some pizza then head to the shower. I need a release. See you later, baby.” I walk backward, gauging her while biting down on my pizza. I wink and her jaw stays sealed shut, her eyes in a slitted glare. With that I wink, grab my cock with my free hand, and walk away with a mouth full of pizza and a smug grin.

Starting up the bath, I finish up my pizza still grinning like a madman. Sometimes teasing and playing with Lana is better than sex. We have so much fun being together, challenging each other, her fucking testing me. I adore my girl and for fourteen years I’ve been in love with my best friend.

Stepping into the scolding hot water, I let it seep deep into my skin, touching my aching muscles. Spending my morning at the gym then packing all day has worn on my body. I turn the water off and hear the familiar mundane sounds of Lana in the kitchen. I hear the plates clinking as she eats then washes her dish. I hear the sound of her talking on the phone, all the small sounds feeling perfectly domesticated. Bringing me to a moment of complete solitude.

“That’s the last of the boxes, girls. Need anything else? We’re gonna head downstairs to unpack,” Trey says to Lana and Shayla. Shayla shakes her head no and my hungry eyes wander to Lana’s. She avoids my gaze, knowing I’m desperately watching her and begging with my eyes for her to give me some god damn attention. After she left the hospital, we became strangers. We have barely shared a conversation, barely looked at one another, well her to me, because I fucking stare at her all the time.

The bruises are still noticeable on her arms but they are starting to fade away from her perfect face. Even bruised, she is stunning.

“I was actually thinking of grabbing some lunch. Are you guys hungry?” Shayla addresses us. I shake my head no, my eyes still fixated on Lana while she stays avoiding me and looking to Shayla.

“No, I’m just gonna start unpacking my room,” Lana answers, picking up a light box and moving toward her room.

“So, just Trey and I?” Shayla double checks.

“Yeah, you guys go ahead. I’m gonna check on Lana.” I state waiting for them to leave.

“Okay, we’ll be back in an hour. If you want something to eat text me.”


“Alright! Shay and Trey time! Hashtag treyla! Let’s go baby girl.” Trey turns his back to Shayla and she takes the invite running full speed and straddling his back.