“Hey, I have dinner cooking, it’s almost done.” I rest my large palms on her shoulders and begin kneading the knots as her eyes roll closed and her head drops forward.

“That feels amazing, little nugget is still being a pain. I’ve been sick all day.”

“Did you call the doctor?”

“Yeah, he said to take it easy and stay hydrated.” I crouch down so my face is in line with her stomach and I lift her shirt just enough to see her belly.

“You need to be good to mama, she’s tired big guy.” Lana runs her hands through my hair. I close my eyes for just a second and lean into her hands like a fucking dog.

“Feel him?” she asks putting her hand over mine, moving it to the spot where little man is kicking. They are fast, barely a second or two between each one.

“Shit, he’s fucking on a roll tonight. Go lie down on the couch and I’ll bring you some water.” She doesn’t argue with me, which is a first. Lana hates when people tend to her.

“Okay.” Slipping her bag off her shoulder I take it and walk it to the bedroom. I see some of her clothes inside and I just shake my head. This is why we need a fucking house.

“You want some salad as well, L?” I ask over my shoulder, she just hums a yes. Filling up her plate with enough food to feed the poor, I settle in on the couch placing the plates on the coffee table in front of us. Looking at the rose gold band on her finger, one her parents gave her on graduation, she looks like she’s focused, her thoughts somewhere other than here. I still need to apologize for the fight last night, maybe then she will relax.

“I’m sorry about last night, baby. I shouldn’t have lost my cool. I know you had a rough day at work and I shouldn’t have acted the way I did.” I lean my body into her, placing my bent leg on the couch, rubbing her bare thigh.

“No, I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. You were just a victim of my wrath. I should apologize.”

“How about we both say we’re sorry and enjoy tonight?”

“I’m okay with that.” Her soft features glow in the dim lights and candles. The best thing about Lana and me is we tend to forgive each other faster than we fight. Some may look at it as something dangerous, bordering on the lines of unhealthy. I don’t care, I don’t fucking care. No one can tell me what’s right and what’s wrong with Lana and me. We make our own rules and we live our own life, in love the way we want to be. I would fucking fight to hell and back, live in a war zone for our temporary moments of bliss. Because paradise with Lana outweighs any darkness—any war.

“Can I feed you, angel?” I want to pamper her, hand over my man card and take care of her. This pregnancy hasn’t been as easy as we thought it was gonna be, she’s sick all the time, her feet swell and her migraines are getting worse. She endures all this for our child and me, she deserves a nice night of being spoiled.

“I got it Kingston, it’s okay. You cooked dinner, I can feed myself. Thanks though, handsome.” Her face is sincere and it just deepens my desire to take care of her.

“Nope, I want to spoil you tonight angel, so sit back and let me feed you.” She rolls her eyes and submits to me. “Good girl.”

“That was amazing Kings, thank you.” After we both ate we sat and talked for a little while, laughing and discussing random things. Now I’m doing dishes and she’s sitting on the counter next to me, fed and relaxed, a much different state than she was in when she got here tonight.

/> “You’re welcome, just another thing I’m great at.” I throw her a wink.

“God, you’re so cocky, you know one day someone’s gonna knock you on your ass and put you in your place,” she teases and I scoff at her.

“Please. No one can take this big man.” Lifting my bicep to my lips for a kiss, the soapy water runs down my forearm and drips onto her knee.

“Ah! You’re getting me wet, stop!” she screeches, pushing against my chest in an attempt to create some distance.

“Now that’s what’s up, how wet we talking?” I turn off the water and maneuver myself between her legs, gripping her ass and pulling her to the edge of the counter. Her belly is getting to a point where we have to be in certain positions to touch.

“You’re so bad, I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you.” She smacks my chest and something about the way her hair falls from behind her ear when she laughs and the way the lights make her eyes sparkle, I don’t know what it is but I can’t hold it in any longer. I want to make Lana James my permanent home.

“You could move in with me?”

“What?” she stutters and her eyes open wide. Why does she seemed so shocked? We have talked about this a lot more lately and I thought she wanted to do this with me, for us and little man.

“Yeah, move in with me. Our leases are up and with little nugget coming soon I think we need to start looking for a house. I mean we’re gonna be together aren’t we? Don’t we want to take the next step and raise our son in a two parent home? Or did I misread that?” I’m rambling, fucking scared out of my wits that I blew my one chance to get her to take the next step with me.


“I think we’re ready baby. Don’t turn me down without thinking about it. Please,” I beg.

“Did you not hear me caveman? I said yes.” Pigs must be flying outside, did she just say yes? One simple yes, no fight, no doubts—nothing but a yes?

“Yes! You said fucking yes! God damn it, baby! I feel like a little kid! I’m so fucking excited!”