I drop her off at the iron gate lining the Henderson’s property, shivering to remember the last time I was there. I’m quick to say goodbye and drive off, getting home as fast as I can.

I’m conflicted as I crawl back into bed at home. Part of me wishes Emmett had stayed and that I could curl up in his arms right now where I usually feel so safe. But there’s a part of me that is losing all the trust I have built up in him.

I think over the past few months, all the way back to our first day back to school. His feelings about Malcolm and the new Elites were never resolved. He’s been so shady and withholding, disappearing for all of these mystery errands I never know anything about. And each time he disappears, another threat is made on my life. Then there’s his friendship with Theo. Throwing me under the bus to protect himself when I wanted to tell the truth about my dad and how we met. Going along with that whole intervention even though he knows why I don’t trust Theo.

By the time I get back to remembering his insecurities about money and his future, and the way he was so quick to start blowing through cash the moment he was put on Theo’s payroll, I feel sick to my stomach. More so than I have all day.

And still my heart aches for him. Even with all of my doubts. How could one part of my brain seriously be considering the possibility that he’d threaten my life while the other part of me wants nothing more than to call him and be in his arms again? But I guess that’s the way it’s always been with him from the beginning. He hurts me, and somehow, I only love him more.

I give in to the side I always do and reach for my phone to call him. If I could just see his face and hear his voice, I can convince myself that none of these fears are true.


Chapter Twenty-Three

“Hi,” I smile as Emmett opens his apartment door.

“Hey.” He leans in and kisses me so deep and soft that I instantly get the relief I need. But a big part of me still wants to cry. I have to stop myself from bursting into tears as he brushes his hand to my cheek.

“How was the funeral?” he asks, pulling me the rest of the way inside before shutting the door behind me.

“Like any other funeral, I guess,” I shrug. “Coach Granger was there. And I gave Bridgett a ride to the Henderson Estate.”

“How’s she doing?” He says the words, but he doesn’t really seem to care what the answer is.

“They don’t think it was an accident,” I explain, wondering how much I should divulge. I’m terrified if I go into detail, I’ll see some subtle admission of guilt on his face.

Emmett picks up on my hesitation and narrows his eyes at me. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I shoot back too quickly.

“Ophelia, I can tell when something is bothering you,” he groans. “What is it?”

I’ve been caught, but I can’t bring myself to say the words. I feel the tears rushing to the surface again as he stares me down. I look away and try to tame my trembling lip.

“Look, I know funerals are tough, but let’s not forget what kind of guy Malcolm was. Do you remember what he did to you? To Lily? Coach Granger’s son? To me?” he rants.

I bite my lip, thinking of all the people Emmett has hurt. “I haven’t forgotten,” I mutter, unable to look him in the face.

I watch him storm around his apartment, flinging things around. There’s something different about him and it frightens me. I’ve seen this plenty of times before, back in the shitty motel he stayed at last semester when we were closer than ever. But even then, I knew how unhealthy this relationship could be at times. Should I have left then?

“Did you do it?” I ask finally with a sharp, shaky breath.

He freezes and looks to me with wide, raging eyes. “What?”

“Did you kill Malcolm?” I say again, more sternly.

His face shrinks into a soft laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he moans, raking his hands across his face in exasperation. “You really think I could kill someone?”

I tilt my head, silently reminding him about his father.

“Ophelia, if that’s the kind of person I was…I would’ve shot Thomas in the head myself,” he argues coldly. “He deserved to die even more than Malcolm did and I still couldn’t bring myself to do it. That’s why I needed your father.”

“So then you admit Theo is the type of person who could commit murder,” I snap back. “But you still have no problems goin

g into business with him?”

“Oh Christ, not this again,” he fumes. “I can’t get into this right now. I’m tired, okay? Is that all you came over for?”