“You don’t have to,” he assures me. “We’ll figure it out, okay? What about that school that’s just a couple hours away? Didn’t Granger say that was one of your best options?”

“Didn’t you say I should pick whatever college I wanted without worrying about you!?” I bark.

“You’re right,” he recoils slightly, pulling me into his chest.

I push myself against him, urging him to tighten his arms. I need to feel him around me right now to feel safe. Like everything I’d imagined isn’t crumbling around me. All of our plans. Everything we’ve been dreaming about. It all seems more impossible than ever. I can’t stay in Jameson, but the thought of leaving Emmett behind here makes me want to burst into tears.

“Can we go now?” I ask suddenly. “I’m exhausted.”

“Sure. Let’s just say goodbye to Theo.”

“Can you just give me the keys!?” I spread out my palm to him. “I don’t want to see him again right now. I’ll wait in the car.”

The moment he hands them over I bolt for the door. As open as the building is, it suddenly seems suffocating and claustrophobic. I want to get out of there as fast as I possibly can. I race to the car and get inside, locking the doors until Emmett comes out.

Hot tears stream down my face as I wait. It wasn’t enough for Theo to be absent my whole life and then nearly get me killed when he showed up for his own personal gain and vengeance. He had to weasel his way back into our family, and now he’s ripping the man I love away from me. I can’t help but think it’s on purpose. Like he’d do anything to hurt me, but I just can’t understand why. I don’t think I’ve ever hated Theo more.


Chapter Eighteen

I’m curled up in a ball next to my mom on the couch watching some ridiculous romantic comedy she picked out. I watch the couple on the screen, thinking everything seems so simple and clean. No matter what scandal arises or shenanigans they get into, it’s oddly normal yet completely unfamiliar to me. I see nothing of Emmett and me in any of the couples in these movies my mom likes to watch. But I go along with it because I know it’s close to what she and Brendan have.

The men in these movies have never humiliated their dates or shoved them up against walls, threatening them. Sure, maybe that’s a distant part of our past. But it’s there. And as for what we face now…I don’t see them fretting over an estranged, corrupt father figure showing up out of nowhere and threatening to rip them apart.

I start to chew on what’s left of my thumbnail as I come face to face with the reminder of the last time I remember feeling this way about these dumb movies. I sat on Malcolm’s couch just before he tried to force himself on me and I lamented over why my life couldn’t be this simple.

“You okay?” my mom asks.

I jump slightly and look over to see her staring me down with worry lines cutting across her forehead.

“Yes, fine,” I answer quickly. “But I guess I should start getting ready. Emmett is taking me out tonight.”

“Another date night, huh?” she teases. “What are you two going to do?”

“I don’t know,” I shrug as I peel myself off the couch, almost wishing I didn’t have to get up. “He says it’s a surprise. I just hope it’s not bowling.”

“Well, don’t make plans tomorrow night,” she requests with a twinkle in her eye. “I’m taking you dress shopping. We need some mother-daughter bonding time and prom will be here before you know it.”

“Sounds great, Mom,” I smile. “Looking forward to it.”

I head for the stairs, thinking how excited I really am. Only these days less so about prom, and more so for graduation and getti

ng the hell out of this place. But I’m still filled with resentment that it’s all threatened now by the very real possibility that leaving Jameson might mean leaving Emmett.

I check my phone before hopping into the shower and see that Emmett has texted me. He asked if I could wear the red dress with a winking smiley face. I smirk, feeling amused that he must think that’s the only dress I own.

“Boy, have I got a surprise for you,” I muse to myself out loud as I picture the black velvet stringy number hanging even further back in my closet. We bought it for some awards ceremony, but it’s about time to take it out on the town for something fun.

After showering, I spritz on some perfume and slide into the soft dress, pairing it with the only pair of heels I own. I’ve dressed up more times lately than over the past four years combined, but maybe I can just chalk it up as practice for prom. And maybe, just maybe, seeing this new vixen side of me emerge, Emmett will have no choice but to follow me away from here for college. That may be a long shot, but I’ll take whatever hopes I can get my hands on for now.

He’s waiting for me downstairs by the time I’m finished getting ready. I watch from around the corner for a moment as he talks to my mom and Brendan. He sure has worked his magic on them considering how much they used to hate him, but I guess I can say the same for myself.

“Hey,” I announce finally as I enter the room.

Emmett’s eyes grow wide when he sees me, but he blushes and clears his throat with a quick glance at Brendan. “You ready?” he asks, not wanting to start flipping out over how good I look right here in front of my parents.

“Yeah,” I smile as he leads me to the front door.