“We hope to be up and running by August,” he exhales optimistically.

“August? Wow,” my voice cracks, feeling like the wind has been knocked out of my lungs. “That’s when I start school. Wherever I start school.”

Theo doesn’t seem phased by my remark and instead turns to Emmett with a strange look. “There’s something else I wanted to show you while you’re here,” he says. “Come this way.”

He takes us back to the corner office on the right and starts bragging about everything it has to offer. The view, the mahogany desk, and top of the line office chair. There are sleek, black shelves waiting to be lined with personal items from whoever claims the space.

Theo pulls out one of the desk drawers and takes a golden plague into his hands. “Ta-da!” he shouts as he slams it to the surface for us to see.

Engraved into the plaque reads: EMMETT JAMESON - Chief Manufacturing Executive and Senior Design Engineer

r /> “What’s this?” Emmett gasps with wide eyes.

“Yeah…what the hell is this?” I add sharply.

“That’s your official title!” he shouts enthusiastically. “And this is your office. If you accept my offer, that is.”

“O-o-o-ffice?” I stammer. “Office…offer…Emmett, what is he talking about?” I try to forget Theo is even in the room and race over to Emmett, taking his hands in mine. “Why do you need an office here?”

His head hangs in shame as he shoots an awkward glance back over to Theo. “We only talked about it briefly,” he says quietly. “When I called to set this meeting up.”

“Talked about what briefly?” I ask urgently.

“I want Emmett to be my partner,” Theo bellows, as if it’s the greatest offer in the world.

“Can I talk to you for a moment?” I beg him in a whisper, feeling my throat catch as my eyes start welling up.

“Of course,” he nods, following me back into the conference room.

I slam the office door behind us, giving Theo the not so subtle hint to stay in there and give us some privacy.

“I don’t understand,” I say in disbelief. “Why the hell would you have an office and a job here!? I thought we were leaving Jameson!? It’s all we’ve been talking about for months now!”

“Calm down. I know. I’m sorry,” he puts his hands on my shoulders. I don’t realize how loud my voice had become until I see him trying to quiet me down. “He only just brought all this up. I wasn’t expecting it. I haven’t even had time to think about it.”

“He wants you to be his partner in all of this?” I continue, flying into a mad pace across the room. “And some kind of Manufacturing Executive? And a Senior Design Engineer!? Emmett, people go to school for a long time and have degrees for those sorts of things. Doesn’t this seem strange to you? This whole thing. It’s like he’s just trying so hard to sell you on something, and we don’t even know if any of its real or not.”

“Ophelia, I was going to be an executive of a car company before,” he defends. “I’ve been preparing for this kind of career my whole life. It’s the only thing I know how to do. I probably know more about this stuff than most guys with degrees do. And what I don’t know already…I can learn as I go.”

“So, you’re actually considering this!?” My eyes bulge out with rage.

“Maybe,” he shrugs. “I don’t know, okay? It’s all happening so fast. I just need you to calm down and give me some time to process it.”

“Exactly! It’s happening too fast! Faster than things like this should happen if they’re being done properly,” I rave. “Theo has no fucking idea what he’s doing here!” I hold back from saying I’m worried Emmett doesn’t either. As far as I know, his father prepared him for a life behind a desk in the Jameson manor, signing papers and making calls, but mostly letting everyone else do the work while he reigned in the profits.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he glares at me. “You’re thinking I’m not qualified for this.”

I look away, trying not to blurt out how right he is.

“I know a lot more than you think I do, Ophelia,” he says disappointedly. “I didn’t want to do things the way my father did. I wanted to be a valuable part of Jameson Automobiles, so I prepared accordingly.”

“But designing cars?” I ask, wishing I was more convinced. “Managing and supervising all these people? This whole operation? Are you sure that’s the kind of thing you’re prepared to do?”

“I like that it’s more hands-on,” he tells me, putting his hands over my shoulders again as his voice softens. “I want to be a part of this, if that’s what I decide. To actually do something. Not just wear a suit and make millions for nothing.”

I shake my head, wishing I didn’t sympathize with him so much at this moment. I want it all to be a sham. I want him to see through it, and I want him to think there’s something off about it. But no matter how hard I try; I can’t seem to make anyone see Theo the way that I do.

“I am not staying in Jameson,” I fume, not knowing what other points I can argue on right now. “You want to go into business with him, fine. But I won’t stay in this hell hole. And frankly, I don’t think you should either. There’s a reason he picked this place to start this in, and whatever it is I don’t think it’s good.”