“I don’t understand why he’s still around!” I lament. “He said he was going to leave me alone now that Thomas is dead.”

Suddenly, I wish I had told Mom everything. Then maybe she would have known better than to let Dad join us for dinner. I’d like to know how he talked his way into this one, anyway, especially since my mom hates him. Not to mention how Brendan must feel about it. I cringe to imagine what kind of smooth talk he must have laid on them to make this happen.

“What do you think he wants?” I ask as Emmett continues driving.

“Maybe he just wants to be closer to you,” he suggests innocently.

“Oh, come on,” I scoff. “You know better than that.”

“Well, there’s only way to find out,” he says. “I guess we’re going to have dinner with your dad. And Mom. And stepdad. All at the same time.”

I swallow hard, wishing there was some way out of it. Maybe if we can get there in time, we can talk some sense into my mom. But I don’t see how we can do that without telling her everything.

“I guess we need to start working on our story.” My voice cracks. “Decide on a version of it my mom can handle.”

“Your house is only fifteen minutes away,” he retorts. “I think it’s going to take a lot longer than that.”

I press my head to the window and look out longingly. I knew things couldn’t stay simple and easy for long, I had just hoped that we could have until the new year before everything went haywire again. But I guess that’s just life in Jameson.

* * *