ed by her now? Maybe I am just getting what was coming to me, the way Emmett is now with his feelings towards Malcolm.

I should be angry with Emmett for forcing me to come here like this, but I keep ending up only feeling angry with myself. I’m the one who can’t help but fall for this whole fucked up relationship instead of going after a nice, normal boy who is every bit as rich and good-looking. Even now as I watch Emmett fuming in a furious pace across his motel room floor, I can’t bring myself to just get up and walk away.


Chapter Six

There is something honest about Emmett being in this motel room. A dirty, cracked hole-in-the-wall seems fitting—more so than the polished manor where his family lives. I have always hated how deceptively beautiful everyone and everything in Jameson is. I lay in my bed at home and stare at my white ceiling, thinking that’s fitting, too. I’m innocent. Less so now than I was before, but I can never fully know what it was like to grow up the way he did.

Suddenly, Emmett stops dead in his tracks and turns to me with an almost frightening sternness. “I can’t lose you to him,” he bellows, stepping towards my perch on the edge of the bed. “You’re mine, Ophelia,” he offers more softly.

His eyes spark with a tenderness that lures me in. He kneels down in front of me, pressing his head to my chest, running his hands across my thighs. I feel myself melting into his desire. His warm, soft hand engulfs my cheek and there’s so much kinetic energy flowing through it that I feel like I could drown in it.

“This is so fucked up, Emmett,” I whisper, closing my eyes against his skin.

“I know I’m not the best, Ophelia,” he says softly. “But we’ve come too far together. I have too much of myself invested in you. I can’t lose you.”

I find myself thinking I could never hate Emmett, but then I have to remember who he was before. And now I am stuck in this haze…trying to save him from himself. As long as he keeps fighting for me, I know I can never leave. No matter how badly I want to.

I believe in Emmett’s goodness. I swear that I can see it, and I want to hold out hope that it’s real. Maybe if I believe in it enough, he will believe in it, too.

“You’re not losing me. I’m right here.”

“Are you?” He looks at me in desperation. “Are you here with me enough to feel this?”

I know what he is talking about. This thing between us that makes us both feel crazy. The thing that keeps drawing us together, no matter how much easier it would be if we could just go our separate ways. The spark in his eyes pulls me in, and before I know it, I am drowning in his kiss.

When Emmett’s and my lips collide, it feels like time holds still. Everything slows and suspends—it’s just the two of us and our heat. I could get lost in his mouth forever, just exploring his tongue with mine and feeling the gentle bite of his teeth against my bottom lip that grows greedier as we go.

I feel like my heart might stop with excitement when he lifts me up further onto the bed, digging his hands into my thighs as he takes in more of my mouth. He angles himself between my legs and presses his hardness into me, fitting perfectly and making me dizzy with lust.

“Ophelia,” he hums against my lips, pressing deeper.

He pulls back in an urgent pant for air, taking in the sight of me with a carnal gaze, and I think in that moment that I have never seen a more beautiful guy, but before I can fully rest on that he lunges forward again, gripping his hands into my hips.

The push of his tongue makes me long to feel him between my legs. The ache in me rises as I claw at his shirt, catching his skin with scratches as I lift it away. His palms press against my breasts, twisting fervent handfuls but he grunts with dissatisfaction. He quickly slips my shirt over my head just as ferociously as I had with his, and moves to undo the clasp of my bra. He moans when he finally feels my bare breasts in his grip, trailing his tongue around my mouth with each squeezing motion.

My fingers clench into his messy curls as he moves down to take my hardened nipples in between his lips and tongue one by one. He releases breathless grunts as I pull his hair harder, urging him to keep going as my hips buck and rub up against his bulge, still nestled between my legs.

“Now, Emmett,” I plead as he thrusts against me through our clothes. “Please, I can’t wait anymore. I need to feel you inside of me.”

He jumps back and quickly removes his pants before grabbing a condom from his pocket and swiftly sliding it over his erection. I can’t stop myself from pulling forward and taking him into my grip, sliding up and down as I tease him with my lips. I feel him shudder against my trailing tongue before he throws me back against the bed hard—so hard that it causes my vision to go blurry for a moment, but it’s exactly uncontrollable wildness about Emmett that makes him so irresistible to me. Always keeping me on the edge between my fear of not knowing what could happen next and intense desire.

“Please come here,” I reach for him, desperately needing to feel him slide inside of me.

He smiles proudly at my impatience and removes my pants and underwear. But instead of lowering to me like I had asked, he kisses down my legs in between my thighs. I am so wet and hungry that the moment his tongue flickers across my folds, I feel like I might cum. His hands creep back up to my breasts as he works soft circles around my clit with his mouth. He licks until I think I might scream loud enough to worry the neighbors, until finally his fingers slide inside.

I am so worked up that the added sensation of being filled with his fingers makes me lightheaded with pleasure. Before long I am gripping the pillow against my mouth and shivering beneath a tidal wave of ecstasy.

“Oh god, Emmett,” I moan in the aftermath of my pleasure, yanking his head out from between my legs and writhing across the bed, begging for him to finally move over me. Any orgasm from him is earth-shattering, but nothing compares to the feeling of him moving inside of me.

He growls as he eases himself inside, bringing his fingers back to my clit as he pushes and pulls against my tight and pulsing muscles. I realize this is our third time together, and I must be getting more comfortable with him, because for once my excitement overrides any anxiety I might have felt before. I am so tight around his hardness that every thrust, combined with his stroking fingers against my folds, makes me feel like I will cum again instantly.

“Cum for me, baby,” he commands, giving me permission to fall into another roaring orgasm.

He stays inside of me as I cum on his cock before he crashes over my quivering body, pressing his bare chest to mine as he slows down.

“I don’t ever want anyone else to know you like this,” he groans into my ear. “This is just for me.” His hands slide across my body as he moves inside slowly, but deep enough to drive me crazy with pleasure.