I just want to go home, far away from this hellhole. I wonder if my mom and Brendan have started looking for me yet. I never came home after the guys convinced them to let us go to the movies together. Surely, they would have contacted the police by now. I figure the Elites must have warned the authorities that they’d be up to something and not to look for me. They’d do whatever they asked. They could literally get away with murder.

The footsteps draw closer and suddenly there’s a knock on the door that causes me to jump.

“Ophelia?” Thomas’ voice calls out from behind the door, sending chills down my spine.

I’m too afraid to move. I stand there hopelessly, thinking maybe if I’m quiet he’ll just go away. I know all about his preference for underage girls.

“Let me in, sweetheart,” he croons, his voice making me sick. “I only want to talk to you.”

“Go away,” I answer softly, my voice cracking. “I don’t want to see anyone right now.”

“Now, is that any way to treat your host?” he taunts me, jiggling the door handle. “Emmett doesn’t have to know we’ve seen each other. And I can make you much more comfortable…if you’d only let me.”

“No…no thank you!” I stammer out. “I’m fine in here alone.”

“Suit yourself,” he jests finally. “But I’ll be seeing you soon.” I hear him cackle as he turns down the hall. The moment I hear his footsteps starting down the stairs, I race for my phone and open it up to Emmett’s number.

Thomas is trying to get into the room. Please help.

I sit on the edge of the bed and wait anxiously, but there’s no response.

Suddenly I hear the lock on the bedroom door click. My heart pounds as I think it must be Thomas. He’s returned with a key. But the hallway is silent. I peek out and see no one. I quickly dart across the hall and lock myself inside the bathroom, only for that lock to click open a few minutes later.

A scream rests on the tip of my tongue as the handle turns and the door slowly creaks open, but I’m relieved to see Emmett on the other side.

His hair is disheveled, and he looks distressed.

“Are you okay?” he growls, fuming with anger. “I can’t believe my dad tried to get at you again. I can’t take this. You’re mine.”

“Please let me go to school with you, Emmett,” I plead again. “The moment you leave, he’ll be back. And I don’t think he’ll give up so easily next time.” I can see him considering it as he grazes his palm across the back of his neck.

“Convince me,” he demands, for his own sake just as much as mine.

I step closer, leaning into his chest. “I’ll stay by your side at all times,” I argue. “For better or worse.”

My head lifts, my eyes meeting his. They furrow narrowly, reading my face and body, before he blinks and leans back into my stance. My eyes are glued to his lips, begging him to make a move.

“Oh god, Emmett…please. Just fuck me,” the words spill from my mouth in a breathless stream, surprising both of us.

He tenses, a faint smile turning up the corners of his lips as his fingers skate across his jaw. A faint jumble of syllables escapes his lips, but quickly trail off as he clears his throat.

My head tilts and my lips part as I slowly breathe faster under his gaze across my body. He moves even closer, as if he has no choice. We’re both at the mercy of the magnetic pull between us.

My heart rate quickens as my body heat rises. I can’t stand it anymore. I dig my fingers into his forearm, pulling him closer. The tension melts away with each touch, giving us release. We’ve kissed so many times before, but we know this time is different. Once we start, we won’t stop.

I swallow hard, alert and waiting for what he will do next. My muscles tense as I note the sweat beading across his brow. It’s taking every muscle in his body to resist me right now.

Finally, he gives in, sliding his hand across my thigh under my skirt, gripping my ass as he lifts me u

p onto the bathroom counter. His hips push in between my legs, pressing the strain in his pants against the warm wetness between my legs. I can feel the stiffness through my panties.

His hand tugs at the back of my hair, pulling my head back and my mouth wider for his kiss. His tongue fills my mouth in slow steady waves, groaning so deep that it vibrates through my throat.

He pins my hands to the counter, frantically plunging his tongue in and out of my mouth. We kiss so hard and quick, drinking each other in so desperately that we accidentally scrape our teeth together a few times. Kissing each other with such urgency it’s as if our lives depend on it. His tan fingers grab at my breasts, rubbing my nipples in tiny circles every so often – just enough to make them hard and send shooting signals down to my clit. I’m so caught up in lust, and wetter than I thought possible, enough to soak my underwear, which are now completely exposed from my skirt that Emmett has hiked up over my thighs.

I lift my arms, begging him to slip the dress over my head. He does slowly…too slowly. Torturing me with his soft touch and the hotness of his breath meeting my exposed skin.

His hands pull at the clasp of my bra, releasing my breasts into the open air as he kisses me harder. His palm stretches over one of them, squeezing it firmly before his fingers trails across my nipple. The curls of his hair brush my cheek as he drops to my neck, biting and kissing ferociously, working his way down to my breasts.