I miss how hopeful and surprised I felt before school started. The exciting challenge of Coach Granger’s workouts.

Those memories all vanish before my eyes into some far-off distant haze, like the Epsom salts in my bath water.

Once I’m clean, I stare despondently around my room. Unsure if I should try to sleep or face my parents long enough to get some dinner. Nothing sounds appealing right now.

Instead, I find myself staring blankly out the window at some kids playing in the yard across the street. I watch as one kid takes the other’s two before they break out into a playful, but angry, wrestling match. I wonder if it’s just human nature for us to be greedy and hurt others to get what we want. It sure seems to be around here. In the land of the Elites. Where no part of the town seems to be untainted by their evil ways.

I finally collapse back onto my bed, my eyes glued open wide but blank. I know I won’t be able to sleep even though it’s what I want the most. Instead I am stuck in a state of waiting. And I don’t even know what exactly I’m waiting for. I’m at the mercy of whatever gets thrown my way next.


Chapter Fifteen

I am so close to finding escape through sleep. At least I think I’m falling asleep and starting to dream. I’m back in the classroom, pinned to the wall by Emmett. It’s just the two of us. He’s kissing me, but this time he doesn’t stop. I push his hand away as his fingers trail between my legs, but he slams my wrist to the wall and carries on with his other hand. I should be angry. I should feel violated. But instead I’m just incredibly turned on.

When suddenly my phone starts ringing, jerking me awake.

“Great,” I think, rubbing my eyes as my hand blindly fumbles for my phone in the dark. “My only vacation from this nightmare is sleep, and I don’t even get that.”

I try to ignore the pool of wetness in my underwear as I answer.

“Hello?” I grumble, pressing the phone between my cheek and shoulder as I stretch.

Nothing. The line is silent aside from the faint shuffling that tells me someone is on the line. They’re just not saying anything.

It beeps and disconnects just as I am about to speak again.

Emmett wouldn’t call from an unknown number. He’d want me to know it was him. Any of the Elites would. And yet some mysterious person keeps contacting me. I’m fed up with not knowing who.

My heart stills with a chill that rolls over my skin. Vivian’s words echo through my ears. She had said my father was more involved in my life than I thought. What the hell was that supposed to mean? She obviously knows something I don’t.

He has to be the one calling and who sent the cryptic messages before. I used to think it was the Elites, but they have no reason to hide. They’d be much bolder in any attempt to make contact. They don’t fuck around.

No, this has to be my father. And I am not going to brush it off this time. After everything that’s happened, this fucker owes me an explanation. More than that, he owes it to me to do whatever it is the Elites are asking of him. Whatever it takes to get me off the hook. He has never done a thing for me, and I sure as hell don’t deserve to go down for whatever mess he’s gotten himself into.

My phone dings again. This time with a text. I race to light up the screen and read it, certain the message will be from my father.

You’re being watched. Close the blinds. Put on running clothes. Go to the living room and await further instructions.

What the fuck. I hesitate to do anything some random mystery texter tells me. Especially without any kind of explanation.

My hands shake as I quickly type my response. Who is this?

No response. I look around nervously. Sure, I know the Elites are tracking me. But now I’m being watched by someone else too? I’m not even safe in my own home anymore.

I try again. Who the fuck is this?

Still nothing. My nerves get the better of me, and I decide there’s no benefit to the risk of ignoring their guidance. The Elites said we’re on a time limit. I don’t know how long they’ll give me to produce some kind of result, but right now I have nothing to work with. I’ll take what I can get. Any kind of stab in the dark to get some momentum.

I walk in the darkness and rush to close all of the blinds, looking up and down the dark streets as I go to see if any cars or people look suspicious. I see nothing out of the ordinary. The neighbor walking his dog. A woman taking her trash bin to the curb. Only the usual cars parked in their driveways. People carrying on with their ordinary lives. People who don’t have to worry about being stalked, tortured and tracked. I’m filled with envy.

I flip on my lamp and scramble to snatch up my nearest pile of running gear. I feel sick as I slide the clothes over my trembling body.

“Get it together, Ophelia,” I huff to myself as I shake my hands, wishing they’d steady themselves.

I check my phone again anxiously, but there’s still no further reply. With a few more paranoid, narrow-eyed glances out of my blinds, seeing nothing that gives away who could be watching me, I reluctantly make my way downstairs to the living room.

Mom and Brendan are still quiet and distracted with the couch and TV in the den. I try to be as quiet as possible, so they don’t rush in and start asking a bunch of questions.