“What’s wrong, Vivian?” I fire back with a cocky grin, placing a hand on Emmett’s arm. “Jealous?”

“Jealous?” Vivian laughs. “I could never be jealous of a little worm like you. I have nothing to worry about. I’m just bored and ready to see you bleed some more.”

The faintest crack in her voice tells me that she is trying to convince herself just as much as she’s trying to convince me.

“You don’t sound so sure, Viv,” I tease back, buckling my hips forward subtly. Just enough to be closer to Emmett’s body with my hand still draped over his arm. “Maybe we should ask Emmett if you have anything to worry about.”

My eyes turn to his with a devilish spark. My hair may be a dirty, disheveled mess, and I can feel the drying blood caked above my upper lip. But a flick of his tongue across his lip tells me all I need to know. He still wants me. And restraining himself with his girlfriend in the room is torture.

“Stop causing trouble,” he remarks apathetically, his smile betraying him.

“But you like me when I’m causing trouble.” I flash him a smile, and I wonder if he’ll smack me or kiss me. “Or at least you sure seemed to yesterday.”

If I have no choice but to play along with their games, I at least want to have some fun at my own funeral.

I watch Vivian’s confidence crumble. “What is she talking about!?” she snaps.

“Nothing, baby,” Emmett dryly responds, not even bothering to look at her. His eyes are glued to me, and I know he’s getting off on my defiance.

“Yeah, Vivian,” I smirk. “Nothing at all.”

“Emmett, I don’t know what she’s talking about, but if you don’t make her shut up right now, I’m going to kick her fucking ass,” Vivian threatens, desperately wanting to cling to her ignorance.

The Elites think they need me for something, which means momentarily they are going to avoid killing me at all costs. I know it must be driving Vivian insane. But I am loving getting to torture her some in return.

“How will you make me shut up, Emmett?” I provoke him coyly.

His fist slams next to my face so hard that the vibration in the wall hurts my skull. He is growling through his throat, holding back desire.

“Come on, Emmett. You’ve had no problem roughing me up in the past. I don’t know why you’re having trouble with it now,” I continue, causing his face to wince. He’s torn between Vivian’s demands, his need to hurt me and his want to fuck me. I dart my eyes over to Vivian and then back to his. “You wanna tell her what happened in here yesterday, or should I?”

“Shut your fucking mouth, Ophelia…or I swear to god,” he fumes, leaning in closer to intimidate me, but it only intensifies the heat between us.

“Make me. Or is that something you can only do when your girlfriend isn’t watching?” There’s a hard lump in my throat reminding me that I shouldn’t be so bold.

They are going to make me pay for every cocky word coming out of my mouth. But I can’t help it. Now that I know they need me…I can’t resist taking advantage and turning the tables for once.

“Emmett, I swear to god…,” Vivian grumbles viciously. “If you’ve been messing around with this filthy whore you’re never touching me again.”

“I don’t think he’ll be missing out on much,” I quip softly, smirking to myself.

“Enough! We’re not here for some stupid catfight,” Emmett snaps, slamming his hand to the wall next to my head again. “Though I’d love to w

atch you two fight over me all day. We’re here to get you to get your father under fucking control.”

“You’re going soft on us, bro,” Trey mocks from the other side of the room. “She’s not even scared of you anymore. That’s why she’s giving us so much trouble.”

“Yeah, let’s just get on with this already,” Vincent adds in agreement, looking bored. “Just hurt her some more and she’ll do what we ask.”

“You’re all good for nothing,” Bernadette chimes in suddenly from the other side of the room, slamming her cell phone to the table in exasperation. “Let me take a crack at her.”

She sways her hips in a dramatic fashion as she strolls up to me, popping her chewing gum in a big bubble. “You think you’re tough as shit now, huh?” she taunts in my face, trying to squeeze in between me and Emmett but he’s not budging. “Well regardless of whatever gross pussy magic you think you’ve worked over on Emmett here…the rest of us still see you for exactly what you are. Disgusting white trash. You don’t belong here. Your father didn’t belong here. And when we’re through with you…you’ll go right back to whatever dump you came from, penniless and worse off than before you came here.”

All I can do is smile, reigniting the flames in all of their eyes. Funny that they think running me out of town is some form of punishment. At this point, it’s what I’m praying for.

Fuck my scholarship. I just want to be done with these assholes.