Rae and Clint,

I’m sorry I can’t be there this morning. I took a slip in the shower and bruised my hip pretty badly. Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious. But I’ll probably be at the doctor’s office still by the time the movers show up. I know it’s not like having me there, but I promise I’ll come by with dinner since you two probably won’t feel like cooking. And tell Clint not to worry. Brent’s accompanying me to the doctor, so I’m not alone. I’ll see you two tonight for dinner!


Clint shoved his hand into his pocket. “I should give her a call.”

I placed my hand against his wrist. “Brent’s with her. Let him take care of her.”

“I need to make sure she’s okay.”

I held up the letter. “She just said she is. I’m sure she’ll call if it’s more serious. So let’s focus on what we have to do today and we’ll see her tonight. All right?”

Allison piped up. “Everything okay?”

I held up the note. “Clint’s stepmother took a fall. So I guess she sent four other movers to help us unload in place of her being here.”

Michael shrugged. “That’s pretty nice. She all right?”

I nodded. “The note says she is. Brent’s with her, so…”

Allison giggled. “Oh, yeah. She’s just fine, then. A woman is always fine when her man’s doting on her.”

I watched her shoot a look up to Michael and he smiled.

“I read you loud and clear, cutie pie,” he said.

And when the two of them shared a kiss, I didn’t think today could get any more perfect.

Until night fell upon us in our new home.



I flopped down into the chair out on the back patio before I felt her hands on my shoulders. The way her thumbs dug into my muscles made me moan. And before I knew it, my eyes fell shut. Feeling Rae’s ministrations against my sweating muscles felt like heaven. Plus, every time I felt her ring slide against my shirt, it made me smile.

“So, what time should we expect Cecilia?” she asked.

I sighed. “I figure around the time she actually eats dinner. Which won’t be until eight.”

“Well, that sounds terrible. We should find a snack.”

My eyes slowly opened. “What about your mother? Where did she end up today?”

She snickered. “Hell if I know. I haven’t heard from her all day. I’ll give her a call tomorrow if she doesn’t resurface.”

“You think something’s wrong?”

“Actually, no.”

I chuckled. “Well, if you’re not concerned, then I’m not concerned.”

She let her hands slide down my chest and I let out a soft growl. She pressed the smallest kiss against my cheek. One that shivered me to my core and made my body come alive. I leaned my forehead against her temple, reached back with my hand, and threaded my fingers into her hair.

The night wind softly wrapped around our bodies.

“How are the boxes looking?” I asked.