They came into the kitchen from the formal dining room with massive smiles on their faces.

“Sorry, we got turned around in the living room,” Michael said.

Allison smiled. “Welcome home, beautiful.”

I screamed with delight and went rushing for her. I wrapped my arms around her neck, burying my face into her shoulder. I hadn’t seen her in months. Life always kept getting away from us and we always had to push back plans. Or cancel our girls’ weekend. Or generally postpone due to sickness or work or life, in general.

“I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered.

She kissed the side of my head. “This place looks fabulous. I can’t wait for you to see the bedroom. They really did it up nice.”

“Congratulations on the new home, man,” Michael said.

I heard him and Clint shaking hands and clapping backs as I held on to Allison as tightly as I could. I knew she and Michael were struggling. I knew they had been having some serious difficulties. So I hoped they were in town for a few days. I really wanted to speak with my best friend about what I felt she needed to do. Because that conversation had been coming for quite some time now. All Allison needed to do was find a way to be vulnerable again. To open up to this man that had done nothing but support her and love her through all the difficult times they had back in college.

“We’ll talk later,” I whispered.

I felt her nod. “With wine, I hope.”

I pulled back, smiling. “Always with wine.”

I peered over my shoulder and saw Clint fiddling with something in his pocket. I furrowed my brow as the two men of my life started laughing with one another, and I saw Clint’s cheeks tint a soft shade of red. Was he… blushing?

It was very rare that I saw Clint blushing.

What is he blushing over?

I sighed. “Thank you, Michael. For everything. For helping Clint and generally making sure he didn’t kill himself. This place is beautiful.”

Michael turned around to face me. “There’s one more thing, though.”

I furrowed my brow. “What is it?”

Allison giggled. “Yep. Just one small, teeny, tiny little thing.”

Michael nodded. “You know, the one thing that’s missing.”

I snickered. “Missing? What in the world is missing right now? Everything is beyond perfect.”

Allison rubbed my back. “Almost perfect, at least.”

I looked over at my best friend to try and pry an answer out of her. But all she did was nod. I turned back toward the boys, and the second I did I felt tears rushing down my cheeks again. Michael had stepped off to the side by the refrigerator, where Allison quickly joined him. And there, in the doorway of the kitchen, was Clint.

Down on one knee.

With a box in his palm.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered.

“Come here, beautiful,” he said.

I felt myself moving, but I wasn't sure my legs were working. I felt as if I were gliding over the fresh tiles while the world faded into almost nothing. My heart seemed to be falling out of my chest and my stomach leapt into my throat. Was this happening? Was this real?

Is he really about to ask?

He took my hand in his free one as he smiled up at me. I kept wiping away at my tears, trying not to let them drip on him. And I could’ve sworn I saw his own eyes line with tears. I heard Allison sniffle beside me. I watched in my peripheral as Michael held her close. And my heart grew twice its size when I turned my head and saw Allison melt into him, relying on him for comfort and support and strength.

Bringing a massive smile to Michael’s face.