I heard the door open. “I’m assuming the test is done?”

I nodded slowly. “Uh huh.”

I felt Robyn work her way behind me. I looked up at the mirror and watched her eyes widen. And then the most bombastic squeal I’d ever heard fell from her lips.

“Oh! My! Gosh!”

I winced. “Yep.”

“You’re pregnant.”

“Seems so.”

“That’s definitely two red lines. You’re definitely pregnant.”

I placed my hand over my belly button. “I guess I am.”

“Well, say something! Is this good? Are you happy? Should we go celebrate?”

I blinked. “I’m pregnant.”

I slowly turned around and faced my assistant. Tears percolated behind my eyes, lining them as I looked at her. I gazed down at the test again, swallowing as hard as I could. The last thing I needed was to cry all of my makeup off at work. Especially when I didn’t have everything I needed to paint it back on.

“My God, I’m pregnant,” I said.

Robyn wrapped her arms around me and I gave in. I cried into her shoulder, bouncing between elated and worried. Excited and panicked. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how to feel. But as I clutched that pregnancy test with all of my might, a question rushed through my mind.

What will Clint think?

Robyn rubbed my back. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. Take some breaths.”

I squeaked. “I’m pregnant.”

She nodded. “Yes, you are. And until we can figure out what this is and how to address it, this stays between us. Okay?”

I sniffled. “At least until I tell Clint.”

“Oh, of course. Definitely.”

I pulled away from her grasp and felt her wiping at my tears. She started pulling tissues and makeup wipes out of her bag, and I let her clean me up. I was too tired to think about doing it myself. Besides, I was already wracking my brain with ways to break this news to Clint. Did I want to go for cute? Or memorable? Did I want to keep it a small thing between us? How long into the move did I wait before I told him? Was this something that had to be addressed tonight?

“Shit,” I whispered.

“Hey, it’s okay. Look at me.”

Robyn gripped my arms as my eyes met hers.

“Rae, this is all going to be fine. No matter what decision you make, you know that man of yours is going to support you.”

I swallowed hard. “What if he isn’t ready?”

“Are you ready?”

I paused. “I don’t know.”

She cupped my cheeks. “Then it sounds like you need some sleep first. Sleep, food, and to lay off the coffee.”

“Wait, I can’t have coffee?”