“You think it’s lagging.”

“It sags a little bit in the middle. Most authors have an issue with that, though. It’s really not that big of a deal.”

“It’s a big deal to me.”

I sighed. “Mr. Freddington--”

“This book is due into the hands

of my audience in eight weeks. I don’t have time for a rewrite!”

I blinked. “Well, we haven’t established a date as to when your book is going to hit the shelves. So, unless you told your audience--”

“Of course I gave them a date. I had to! They were clamoring for it.”

I sighed. “I’ll get our P.R. representative on the line. That can be your lunch date for today. But for now--”

He stood from his chair. “I won’t stand for this. That book doesn't need an entirely different rewrite. It’s good as it is.”

I stood with him. “But it could be great. That’s what I’m here to help you with.”

He snatched it up. “I’m going straight to your boss’s office. This isn’t going to happen. I’m not writing this entire thing over again!”

“It was nice seeing you, Mr. Freddington.”

He flicked me off before he ripped my office door open. It slammed against the wall before he took a hard left, storming straight for my boss’s office. He wouldn't get anywhere with her, though. Not once she found out that he’d fed his fans a date we didn’t have. I pinched the bridge of my nose, reached for my coffee and took a massive sip.

Then I heard her voice.

“The meeting go okay?” Robyn asked.

I whipped my head up. “You already got everything?”

She walked in, closing the door. “Of course. The pharmacy’s only two blocks down the road.”

I strode to her and took the bag, quickly opening it up. I took out the gum and ripped it open, shoving a piece into my mouth. I needed something to keep my jaw busy. Especially since I felt so nervous. I mean, did I want this? If I was pregnant, would I feel happy?

I think I might.

“Want me to stay with you?” Robyn asked.

I sighed. “Would you? Is that too much to ask?”

“Not at all. I’ll stand outside while you’re taking care of things.”

“Thank you. Seriously.”

I turned toward the door in the corner. My own personal bathroom. Right inside my office. I drew in a deep breath before I headed in that direction, feeling Robyn hot on my heels. I had to make it quick because I knew my boss would be down here at any moment prying me with questions as to what had happened with Mr. Freddington.

“Here goes nothing,” I murmured.

I made my way into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.



The smell of fresh paint filled my nose as sweat dripped down my brow. Our new place was fantastic. It was everything Rae and I could’ve ever wanted out of a permanent home. A three-bedroom, ranch-style home. A two-car garage that was large enough to hold both of our cars, plus my bike. A covered back porch, a sunroom right off the master suite, and a glorious fenced-in backyard. For a house with a slice of land in Los Angeles, we had gotten it for a steal.