“I’m honestly not really a beer person.”

“I shouldn't be shocked that you know that.”

I chuckled. “How do you feel about a wine and whiskey night?”

She unlocked her car. “Sounds like the only thing I need to pick up is food, then.”

“Oh, what about that Indian place across town? Their curry and naan is fabulous.”

“The little place with the bright pink roof?”

I slipped into the car. “Yep! That’s the one.”

She dipped in beside me. “Indian food with some wine and whiskey sounds fabulous. What do you usually order, other than the curry?”

“Their curry, extra jasmine rise, and garlic naan. You?”

“I love their chicken tikka masala. Extra spicy. With two orders of rosemary naan and their mango milkshake.”

“They have mango milkshakes?”

“Oh! You haven’t lived until you’ve had one of those. I’m going to get you one.”

And as she cranked up the car, a smile crossed my face. I was in completely uncharted territory with her right now. But I loved it all the same. My stepmom was a lot cooler than I’d given her credit for. She was a completely different person from what I had assumed her to be.

I enjoyed spending this time getting to know her. Having her open up to me. Feeling as if I could rely on her.

I just hoped this conversation she wanted to have tonight ended with us sticking together instead of splitting apart.



“I can’t wait for Michael to see you in that dress.”

Allison pulled into my driveway. “If he ever asks me to prom. And I still didn’t find a graduation dress for myself. Mom’s going to kill me.”

“Oh, boo. You needed a prom dress anyway. And that thing looks perfect on you.”

“You think?”

I smiled. “The dark purple with the pale yellow under the tulle? You’re going to look like the next Disney princess.”

She smiled. “I’d like to find some yellow shoes. You know, to keep the continuation of the colors going.”

“But do purple jewelry, if anything. Small items. You definitely want people focused on that dress.”

She giggled. “Look at you, getting into fashion and all that.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t get used to it. Clint’s stepmom can only rub off so much.”

I reached over and gave Allison a tight hug. Then I gathered my things. I’d ended up finding myself a nice casual dress for graduation. I mean, I had the money in my account. It was already marked down on sale anyway. Why not? It fit me nice. It didn’t have to be altered. And I already had a pair of flats that would go well with it. It wasn’t a color I wore regularly. The pale blue and white swirls were definitely brighter than my entire wardrobe put together. But the cotton dress would breathe, according to Allison. And it was sleeveless. Came just above my knee. So, it would be light enough for the California summer heat.

“Are you seeing Clint at all tomorrow?”

I opened my door. “I’m not sure. But, if I don’t, want me to give you a call?”

Allison paused. “Actually…?”