I rolled my eyes. “I know. Such a burden being thin and beautiful.”

The two of us linked arms, then headed into the mall. We walked through store after store, with Allison turning her nose up at most everything she came across. I mean, I had planned for an entire afternoon of shopping. But, usually, shopping required trying things on.

And after walking through four stores, she hadn’t tried on a damn thing.

“Are you okay?”

Allison sighed. “I think I should be searching for prom dresses instead of graduation dresses.”

“You still haven’t found yours yet?”

She shook her head. “No, and I’m still not sure if I’m even going. I mean, Michael’s hinted at it. I think he kind of asked me, but I’m not sure.”

“What do you mean, he kind of asked you?”

“Well, we were having this talk about it on Wednesday. And he started talking about his suit and all the colors he wanted to wear. And then he looked at me and asked me what color my dress was. I told him I didn’t know because I hadn’t gotten one yet, and that was that. He didn’t formally ask or anything. Just… assumed? I think?”

I nodded. “It sounds like he assumes you guys are going together.”

“I want him to ask, though. That’s the fun part of prom.”

“Well, maybe start dropping some hints. You know, like you did back before you two were dating.”

She rolled her eyes. “Are guys always this clueless? Why do I have to do all the legwork?”

I snickered. “Trust me, you will always have to do all the legwork.”


“If you want to look for prom dresses instead, I’m all for it. Means I don’t have to try on shit.”

She snickered. “Yeah, you'd like that part, too. Oh! Wait! Has Clint asked you to prom?”

I shook my head. “No. Not yet.”

“You think he will?”

“I really hope so. I mean, I’ve got that dress his stepmom gave me. I’d like a chance to wear it for him.”

“For him? Wow, who are you and what have you done with my best friend?”

I laughed. “Oh, shut up.”

“You’ve got it bad for him.”

“And this is news to you?”

She giggled. “Nope. Just cute, is all. Love looks good on you.”

“I never said I was—”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're in love, whether you want to admit it or not. And it looks good on you. Take the compliment and come on. I see a dress I want to try.”

And before I could fight her any more on the matter, she tugged me into a store. Head

ed straight for a pale yellow and purple gown that screamed Allison’s name.

A gown I knew would look fabulous on her, even though it still hung on a rack.