
I kept an eye on the door as I checked people out. And every time there was a lull in customers, I started cleaning down my area. I went through my usual duties as work, watching as the cashiers I worked silently with slowly phased out for the night. Until no one was left except myself and the night manager. I closed in an hour, and Clint still hadn’t shown up. Which worried me. Not that I hadn’t been concerned since that fucking text in the middle of the school day.

But, now I had more of a reason to be concerned.

Me: It’s okay if you can’t come to the grocery store. I understand. Just let me know you’re all right. Please.

I sent the text off to Clint in the middle of customers. My manager gave me a look and I slid my phone into my back pocket and continued on with my duties, hoping I’d feel my phone vibrate against my ass cheek. I didn’t, though. Which made me even more worried.

What did his father do to him?

I feared the worst. Clint was back in the hospital. Unable to communicate. Maybe he had packed up his stuff and run away. Or, maybe his father had finally beaten him to death.

Tears rushed my eyes and I had to take a bathroom break.

I turned off the light on my register and raced to the back of the grocery store. I slammed through the door of the women’s restroom with my hands trembling. I splashed cold water on my face, trying to calm myself down. I wiped off the little bit of makeup I’d managed to paint on my face before leaving, and my mind bounced from Mom to Clint. Mom to Clint. Mom to Clint.

Why couldn't my life just settle the fuck down?

I pulled out my phone and crafted a message to my mother. One I hoped she responded to. I asked her if she was still at home or at the hospital. Though I wasn’t sure of the hospital’s policy on phones for their patients. I sent it off before checking on Clint again. He hadn’t seen my message yet, and I felt bile creeping up the back of my throat.

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

I drew in a deep breath before heading back out to my register. And after checking out seven more people, it was time to close down. I wiped down my register, as well as the remaining ones that looked terrible. I swept, making sure to get up and down the aisles where people waited. Then I cashed out my till and took it to the manager, who proceeded to count it and tally it up before we left.

He stood and watched me as I hopped on my bike.

“You get home safe, okay?”

I heard the tremor of his voice and I sighed.

“I will. I promise. Okay?” I asked.

I took off into the night, peddling back home. What I needed to do was call Michael and ask him to give me a ride home. But what I did was exactly the opposite. I pumped as quickly as my legs would let me go. I felt my backpack and my purse weighing me down as I made my way back toward the school. I didn’t head home, however. I headed straight for Clint’s house.

I needed to know if he was all right.

I pulled into the driveway and came to a screeching stop. My eyes danced over the lights that lit up the windows of the house. Nothing looked out of place. Or broken. I didn’t hear screaming or crying. No one burst out on the porch with bodies flying in every other direction.

So far, so good.

I placed my bike down on its side in front of the porch steps and shifted my bags onto my shoulders as I walked up the steps. I knocked softly on the door, but no one answered. No footsteps. No voices. Nothing.

And with each knock, the silence grew.

“Clint?” I called out.

I reached for the doorknob and found the door unlocked. With what felt like a brick of lead in my gut. I slowly opened the door and listened for yelling. Or screaming. Or crying. I didn’t hear any of that, though. I heard nothing, which was worse. Was anyone even home?

Because if no one was home, why were all the lights on?

“Clint? Cecilia? Anyone here?”


Hearing Clint’s voice rushed relief through my body. I heard thundering footsteps upstairs as I dropped my things to the floor. I closed the door—and locked it—behind me. And as Clint came rushing down the steps, I found him in one piece.