I didn’t care about the reasons. I only cared about the money.

I slipped into a clean pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. The hot water loosened my body up a bit, though I was still very bruised. I slipped my cell phone into my pocket and put my sandals on. I needed to start gathering things in my duffle bag for later. However, a knock came at my door. A small, soft, subtle knock.

“Come in.”

The door eased open. “How are you feeling?”

I snickered. “Uh, good considering?”

“I suppose that was a stupid question.”

I sighed. “It’s not stupid. We’re just in a hard situation. How are you doing?”

And when she let out a shuddering breath, I looked over at her.

“I’ve decided to leave him, Clint.”

I rushed over to her and wrapped her up in my arms. I held her close, rocking her softly side to side. She sniffled against my chest and patted my back. I closed my eyes and silently thanked my fucking stars she’d come to her senses. I knew this was a turning point for us. A moment in time we’d never forget. I knew she was trembling with fear. But I also knew how strong she was. How far she’d come in life. What she had survived.

“We’re going to make it. I swear to you, Cecilia.”

She sighed. “After what just happened…”

She shook her head as she pulled away from me.

“I can’t forgive him. I’ll never forgive him, Clinton. I mean, look at you. Just—just look at you.”

I nodded slowly. “I know. Trust me, I’ve lived with it my whole life.”

“I’m so sorry I didn’t intervene sooner.”

“No, no, no. Don’t you start doing that. Don’t you start blaming yourself for things we can’t change. You’ve done a hell of a lot for me. More than any other adult in my entire life. I won’t let you feel guilty for anything else.”

She sniffled. “I love you. I hope you know that.”

I grinned. “I know. I love you too, Cecilia. Now, come on. I’ll help you pack. Because you damn well know we aren’t keeping this house.”

“I wouldn’t want to stay in it anyway.”

“Honestly? I feel the same way at this point.”

We walked out of my room and down the hallway, heading for the double doors. I’d only ever been in my father’s room once. One time, in my entire life. She threw the doors open and it was even bigger than I remembered. A sprawling room, easily three times the size of my bedroom. Cecilia walked through it as if it didn’t faze her. As if the grandeur of it all didn’t shock her in the slightest. She walked over to a door in the corner and opened it up, flicking a light on that seemed to cascade down sprawling corridors.

I walked over to her and peeked inside as my jaw dropped to the floor.

“This is my closet. It’s a lot to pack up, but I figure I’ll have to sell some of it anyway.”

I scoffed. “All of this is yours?”

She nodded. “Your father’s closet is on the other side. The other door in the corner. The petty part of me wants to burn his clothes in a bonfire tonight. But I know better than that.”

My cheeks puffed out with my sigh. This would be a long night, packing all this shit up. But she was right. If she wanted to lea

ve my father for good, he’d cut her off. Completely. Which meant she’d have to sell a lot of this stuff just to keep herself afloat.

I cleared my throat. “All right. Where are your suitcases?”

Cecilia walked inside. “I definitely don’t have enough to pack up all this stuff right now.”