Allison swallowed hard. “Should we call the cops or something?”

I paused. “I honestly don’t know.”

Michael shook his head. “Have you heard from him at all since that text?”

I closed my eyes. “No, I haven’t. And I have to work tonight. So I can’t drop by.”

Allison put her hand on my shoulder. “Michael and I can just do a drive-by, if that makes you feel better.”

Michael piped up. “And if you want to give me his number, I can call him. You know, keep at it until he picks up.”

I drew in a deep breath. “I’m really hoping he makes good on his word. He said he’d come by after I was done working and we’d get a milkshake or something tonight. If he doesn’t come by, I might need a ride home.”

Michael hugged me. “Consider it done. Just call, okay?”

I opened my eyes. “Please tell me everything’s going to be all right.”

Allison rubbed my back. “One way or another, we’re all getting out of this. I promise.”

After coming up with a plan, I headed back to my house. Michael had his money, Allison had his homework, and I had the task of trying to get Clint on the phone. But it wasn’t any use. Every time I called him, his phone went to voicemail. Every text I sent went unanswered. I stood in front of the small mirror on the wall of my room, trying not to cry. I wanted to put on a bit of makeup for work, make myself look more presentable, in case Clint did come around.

But I kept

crying it off.

“For fuck’s sake, come on.”

I hissed at myself as I wiped at the mascara running down my face.

“Lip gloss. Lip gloss and some powder so my face isn’t so red.”

It would have to do, because I had to be at work within the hour.

Just as I swiped on a layer of lip gloss, I heard something crash downstairs. Mom started screaming and I heard D.J.’s voice rising above the commotion, which sent me running. I ripped my door open and made my way to the top of the steps. I heard them yelling at one another as more things crashed against the wall. I heard tears in Mom’s eyes. I heard blood in D.J.’s voice. And as I turned the corner, heading for the kitchen, I saw a plate crash against the wall.

“D.J.! Stop!”

“Stop? Stop? You want me to stop when I hear my girl’s been fucking other men around town?”

Mom sniffled. “D.J., please. Calm down so we can talk.”

He roared. “I’m not calming down when I’ve just learned my girl is nothing but a fucking whore!”

I ducked as a glass went flying. Shards of the damn thing scattered all over the place as I shielded my head. Anger rushed through my veins. I wanted this man dead by the end of the night tonight. I saw my mother crouched down in a corner, her face in her hands while she sobbed. And D.J.? Well, he just kept destroying our stuff and yelling bloody murder. As if that might help things.

“How many men, huh? How many men did you let inside you?”

Mom sobbed. “I don’t know. Please, it was just when we were broken up. I’d never cheat on you, D.J.”

He snatched her arm. “Like hell you wouldn’t. You already did! We never broke up. We just had fights. And we always made up.”

“Let me go!”

“I’m not doing a damn thing you ask of me. You can’t even keep your fucking pants on, you bitch.”


I came around the corner and picked up a glass filled with water. I chucked it at D.J.’s head and hit him square in the jaw with it. He released my mother and glared, lunging at me. But Mom threw herself at him and tackled him to the floor.