
“Yeah. I’ll get a taxi or something. We can go get a milkshake afterward at the diner up the road from where you work.”

“Mmm, that sounds like heaven.”

I smiled. “Only if you’re there, though.”

I closed my eyes and let myself slip into another world. Another place. Another time. Where nothing existed except Rae and me, trying to make a way for ourselves in the world. I wanted her by my side. Always. Now more than ever, I understood how much I needed her. She was my rock. My shelter. My safe place to fall. The one person I felt I could be weak with and not be judged for it.

I needed her in my life for as long as she’d stick around.

Mike sighed. “So how are classes going for you two?”

I snickered. “As good as they can for now. I’m completely lost in them, though. It’ll take me some time to catch back up.”

Rae kissed my chest. “Don’t worry. We’ll help.”

Aly smiled brightly. “Yep! Study sessions at my place in the basement. We have all the good snacks, too.”

Mike nodded. “They really do. I’m jealous. My parents are health freaks. You’ll have to watch out for that.”

I shrugged. “I can go and buy myself some ice cream and chips whenever I need them. That’s not an issue. And with this stuff I’m selling off, I can help with—”

“Oh! That reminds me! I sent the text off to my dad and he said he wanted to talk with Mom before they made a decision. But he also said it shouldn't be an issue. I should know by the end of the day today. We can t

alk about it while I take you to the bank.”

I nodded. “It’s appreciated more than you realize. Seriously.”

Aly leaned against Mike. “It’s really not a problem. We just wish you would’ve talked to us sooner.”

Rae nudged me. “Yeah, Clint. You should’ve talked to us sooner.”

“Yeah, Clint. You should’ve talked to us sooner.”

The mocking voice made me swivel around, although I already knew who it was. I’d never forget the voice of Marina. That piercing, tinny, Valley girl voice. There she was, chomping on that banana like she was sucking down Roy’s dick. I eyed her closely before I looked over at Roy, watching him practically hover over the four of us.

“Enjoying lunch, losers?”

I shrugged. “Of course. Are you?”

Marina snickered. “We always enjoy lunch until you assholes show up.”

Aly rolled her eyes. “Nice one, Marina.”

Mike nodded. “Yep. Very creative. A-plus for effort.”

Marina glared at them. “At least I’m not a pathetic loser that goes around helping charity cases just to feel better about myself.”

Rae cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. Do you mean ‘charity cases’ as in us? Or ‘charity cases’ as in you? Because I’m pretty sure the two of you can’t be helped.”

Marina jumped at Rae and she stood out of her chair. Like lightning. I’d never seen her move so quickly, and I shot up from my own seat to step in front of her. To shield her from the nonsense of the crew I used to run these halls with. I stared Roy down, refusing to look over at Marina. Because I didn’t believe in intimidating a girl, no matter how much I figured she deserved it.

“What? The two of you are back together now? Rumor had it you dumped her for another piece of ass.”

Marina grinned. “Yeah. People are talking about how you’re fucking your stepmom now. That how you roll over there in the Clarke household? Fucking family members.”

Rae growled. “I’ll claw your damn eyes out.”