“Oh, oh! I can get you notes as well in your classes. I’m sure I know someone that can photocopy things for me. I’ll get you copies so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“And you can ride with me to and from school. Since I’m assuming you haven’t replaced your bike or anything.”

“Are you going to replace your bike? I don’t know if I could, after what you’ve been through.”

“You’re going to need some money, too. I mean, unless you’ve already got that worked out.”

I paused. “Actually, I do. But that puts me in a bind.”

Aly furrowed her brow. “Why?”

Rae gasped. “Oh, shit.”

I rubbed her back. “It’s okay. It’s fine. Let’s just get to school and we can figure it out.”

Mike started walking. “What puts you in a bind? What’s going on?”

I sighed. “I need to check something first. Hold on.”

Him mentioning money reminded me of that damn bank account. As we continued walking toward school, I pulled out my phone, checked my email notifications and smiled. I went and checked my current bank account and laughed when I saw an account balance of zero. I threw my fists into the air and Rae started clapping. Then, she leapt at me and wrapped me up in a massive hug.

Leaving Aly and Mike in confusion.

“Yes! Yes! This is a great step in the right direction.”

I snickered. “If only I had time to get to the bank.”

Rae shook her head. “No, no. No focusing on the negative for now. Promise me.”

I grinned. “I promise.”

Mike paused the walk. “Someone want to fill us in now?”

Aly nodded. “Yeah. I want to celebrate with you guys, too.”

I sighed. “So, this whole thing with selling the house? It’s kind of a backlash from my father. You know, from what happened. I take it you told Aly?”

Mike nodded. “I told her some of it, yeah.”

“Yeah. He’s doing it out of spite. Because he’s not in control anymore and that pisses him off. He’s told my stepmother she’s moving with him, but I’m not welcome. So I’ve been scrambling for money.”

Aly held up her hand. “Wait a second. He actually told you that you can’t go with him?”

Rae scoffed. “Yeah. It’s been a massive thing. He’s an absolute asshole.”

Mike murmured. “You can say that again.”

I held my hand up. “Anyway, long story short? I’m selling things off I have a right to in order to pick up some money. The good news is that I sold off a lot yesterday. But I haven’t been able to get to a bank yet.”

Mike narrowed his eyes. “So you have that money on you right now?”

Rae nodded. “He does, yeah.”

Aly shook her head. “Do you have a bank account you can put it in?”

I smiled. “That’s why Rae and I are celebrating. I opened up my own bank account that my father can’t touch and transferred everything from my old account to my new one.”

Mike patted my back. “Dude, that’s awesome. But keep that money stowed away in your locker. You know, in case something happens at school today. And after classes I’ll get you to a bank so you can deposit it.”