My lower lips, at least.

I gripped his hair and pulled him up from his knees. I crashed our lips together, seeking some sort of a release. I needed it. I couldn't go to school like this. But I’d have to. I got out of the shower without washing Clint down. I wouldn’t be able to touch him without forcing him back between my legs. He chuckled as he washed himself down, and I stewed in my frustration as I dried myself off.

It was good frustration, though.

Frustration I couldn't wait to relieve after the day was done.

Clint hopped out of the shower and I handed him a towel. He dried himself off and we crept back down the hallway, greeted with the sounds of my mother’s awful snoring. How any man slept beside her with that nonsense was beyond me. And together, we quickly got dressed. I slipped my phone into my back pocket, threw my hair up into a ponytail, slipped my backpack over my shoulders and led Clint down the hallway, trying to maneuver around the creaky steps. I didn’t want to risk waking my mother up. I didn’t want to deal with any of her bullshit on such a perfect morning. After such a perfect evening.

With the boy I adored.

“Come on. We can still find Allison and Michael. If they’re waiting for me.”

He paused. “What do you mean ‘if’?”

I sighed. “It’s a long story.”

His fingers threaded through mine. “Care to fill me in on the punchline?”

“They’re together now and can’t keep their hands off one another.”

“Ah, the honeymoon stage. I like that stage.”

I snickered. “I know you do.”

“I mean, good for them. They seem like a cute couple. I take it they’ve kind of… set you off to the side, though?”

I shrugged. “I mean, I get it. Just kind of came at a shit time. Them making out all the damn time while I’m nursing a broken heart.”

He kissed the back of my hand. “Well, no more of those.”


He kissed my cheek. “I promise with all I am.”

I smiled. “Good.”

“Is that Clint!?”

Allison’s squeal made me smile.

“Guess they’re waiting this morning,” I said.

Michael waved at us. “Hey! Clint! Good to see you, man.”

Clint squeezed my hand. “You think he’s serious?”

I nodded. “I think Michael’s loosened up a lot since he and Allison started officially dating.”

Allison came running at me and I wrapped my arms around her in a massive hug. Part of me was still hurt, but the bulk of me was simply happy to have my friend back. I saw Michael walk up and give Clint a pat on the back. One of those dude hugs I saw around school. Allison released me and wrapped her arms around Clint’s waist. And I saw a look of jealousy flash behind Michael’s eyes. It was cute, really. How protective he’d become of her.

Clint made sure to do nothing but pat Allison’s back, though.

“Good to see you, Mike. Aly. How you guys been?”

Allison pulled away. “Oh, my gosh. We have so much to catch you up on.”

Clint grinned. “Like how you two are an item?”