Making memories I knew I’d never forget as I stripped her body down, kissed every valley she had to offer, and made love to her until we both passed out from exhaustion.



My eyes fell open and, for once, my chest didn’t hurt. My eyes weren’t sore. My legs weren’t trembling with exhaustion. I felt something warm draped over my waist and I sighed with relief, seeing Clint’s hand splayed over my bare stomach. I reached for my cell phone slowly, not wanting to disturb him and the soft breaths that fell against the shell of my ear. And as I gazed at the time, I quickly navigated my phone to turn my alarm off.

Before it started blaring and woke him up.

“Mm-mm. Come here.”

I giggled as he pulled me close.

“We have to get up soon, handsome.”

“Mm-mm. No.”

He buried his face into my hair and I smiled broadly. I slowly turned around, abandoning my cell phone for one last glance of his sleepy face. He peeked out of one eye before screwing it shut tight. I kissed his forehead. Then the tip of his nose. And finally, both of his cheeks.

“It’s Tuesday morning. We can’t skip school.”

He groaned playfully. “I’ve been skipping school for days.”

“Which is why you need to get up with me and come to school.”

“I don’t have a change of clothes.”

“Are the ones you have dirty?”

“If I say ‘yes,’ will that get me out of school?”

I snickered. “You're insane, you know that?”

“And you’re too comfy for your own good.”

He buried his face into my breasts and held me close. I laughed softly as I stroked my fingertips through his hair. As I stared up at the ceiling, I felt life falling back into place again, my anger dissipating, my frustrations melting away. He kissed my skin mindlessly, allowing his leg to slip between mine. He trapped me underneath his body, pinning me to the mattress.

“I know what you’re doing, Clint.”

He slid on top of me. “No moving.”

I wrapped my arms around him. “Clint.”

“Just five more minutes of this.”

“We don’t have long as it is. School starts in an hour.”

“It won’t take me but about twenty minutes to get ready.”

I scoffed playfully. “And what about me?”

He kissed my neck. “What about you?”

“What if it takes me longer than twenty minutes to get ready?”

He rose his head up. “Does it?”

“I mean, no. But that’s not the point.”