I deserve a long weekend.

I didn’t know which to be angry about more: the fact that my teachers didn’t give a shit that I was a straight A-student, or the fact that my best friends didn’t give a shit about really waiting for me. I mean, why fog up the windows and perch yourselves for a make-out session if you know someone’s going to be joining you soon? That’s downright selfish! I would’ve never pulled that shit with Clint.

Are you sure about that?

I rolled my eyes and muted the voices in my head. I rushed across the road and tore into my neighborhood, because I wanted to get into the house as quickly as I could. I didn’t know what to do with all this anger. All this hurt. All this betrayal I felt. I mean, rationally? I understood it was stupid. I knew my emotions were raging out of control and that I needed to pull them back a bit.

But I just couldn't.

I looked up just in time to see D.J. getting into his car. Fucking really? He was here? Just my luck. I moved quickly. I practically jogged into the driveway as he turned his engine over. It wasn’t until he started backing out, however, that I realized he was leaving.

Finally, someone’s having mercy on me.

“Hey, kiddo.”

Spoke too soon. “Hey, D.J.”

He rolled down his window the rest of the way. “How was your day today?”

I flashed him a bitter smile. “Getting worse by the second.”

He snickered. “What did I ever do to you to make you hate me so much?”

I shrugged as I passed his car window. “I don’t know, Deej. Breathed air? Opened your mouth? Set your sights on my mother? Sent her home with bruises? Pick one. They’re all valid.”

“Spoiled brat.”

“Ignorant prick.”

I looked back at him as I made my way to the porch. I glared at him as he sped out of the driveway, his tires peeling off into the distance. The smell of burnt rubber filled the air, and I grimaced as I made my way inside. I drew in a deep breath of fresh air. Well, fresh air tainted with something terrible my mother had obviously cooked. I closed the door behind me as tires squealed in the distance. Probably D.J. taking a tight turn out of the neighborhood. Because he thought he was cool.


I leaned against the door and sighed, closing my eyes. I dropped my purse. My backpack. I felt my knees weakening as I closed my eyes. I wanted this day to be over. Hell, I wanted this year to be over. I wanted to be graduated so I could get the fuck out of here and the fuck away from Clint. And everything that reminded me of him.

“Rae? You all right?”

Mom’s voice hit my ears and I drew in a shuddering breath. The last thing I needed to do was break down. I was tired of it. Tired of feeling weak. Tired of feeling alone. Tired of feeling disposable. Like I was second-best.

But, when I opened my eyes, I saw Mom standing at the end of the hallway.

“Rae, what’s wrong?”

I swallowed hard. “Do I smell cookies o

r something?”

She nodded slowly. “I tried making your favorite. But I think there’s something wrong with the stove.”

“Burning the cookies?”

“Which is saying something, since we both know I’m a slow baker.”

“And a terrible cook.”

She snickered. “I’ll let you get away with that this time.”

I nodded. “Sounds good.”