I swear, no one babied their car more than Michael babied this damn vehicle of his.

“Is there a long way around we can take? I won’t be able to finish this with the regular route. And I’m starving.”

Michael smiled at Allison. “Anything for you. I’ll drive us through some neighborhoods.”

And of course, the neighborhood with the easiest streets to drive was Clint’s.

I gazed out the window as I sipped my soup. Instead of eating it with a spoon, I’d stuck a straw in it. My eyes lingered out the window while Michael and Allison talked with one another. And every once in a while, their laughter pierced the foggy haze of my mind. I was happy for them. I really was. But sometimes, I wanted to slap them both. Could they just put that shit on hold for one second? I mean, once we got back to school, it was game on.

Did I really have to be in the car for it, though?

I heard the smacking of their lips as they kissed. I caught a glimpse of Allison feeding a bite of food to Michael. I stared hard out the window, trying my best not to get angry or shut down. Trying my best not to seem like a bitch.

It wasn’t easy, though. And it gave me a new respect for how they both felt when I first started dating Clint.

The closer we got to his house, the more silent they became. Until not a sound was made in Michael’s car. I finished up my soup and tossed it into the paper bag. I reached for my grilled cheese and unwrapped it, holding my drink still with my thighs. But the second Allison gasped, I whipped my head up. And when Michael cursed to himself, my eyes darted around.

Then I spotted it.

The sign hanging off their mailbox.

“‘For Sale’?” I breathed.

What the fuck?

Allison drew in a short breath. “You think that’s why he ended things?”

Michael shushed her. “Leave it alone.”

“I mean, it’s right there. Plain as day. Might give Rae some closure.”

“That’s not yours to determine.”

I shook my head. “He would’ve told me about something like this.”

Michael paused. “I mean, are you sure? Maybe he just didn’t get around to telling you about it? Or didn’t know how you’d react? Or something?”

“Drop me off.”

Allison whipped around in her seat. “Say what now?”

“Drop me off. Now.”

Michael shook his head. “Can’t do that, Rae. We’re going to be late for school if I have to wait for you.”

“I didn’t ask you to wait. I asked you to stop your fucking car.”

Allison reached for me. “Just get through the school day. We can come back after classes are done.”

I leveled my eyes with her. “Let me out of this goddamn car, or I’m pouring my soda out on the leather seats.”

Michael shook his head. “Fucking hell, Rae.”

He came to a stop at the curb and I abandoned my food. I wasn't hungry anymore, anyway. I chugged the rest of my drink before I slipped out of the car, slamming the door behind me. Windows whirred down. I slid my purse over my shoulder. Allison handed me my backpack through the window as Michael stared at me with fire blazing in his eyes.

“Don’t you fail school because of him. You’ve worked too hard for all this.”

I scoffed. “Like it’s any better watching the two of you neck and make eyes at each other.”