“He’ll need surgery to fix it eventually.”

I reached out for Cecilia’s hand and she took it. Then, with a squeeze, she stepped back out onto the porch. She closed the door, muting my father’s yelling and cursing. And as I stood there, alone, I let the tears silently fall.

In front of a paramedic that kept tossing me pitiful glances.

“This is gonna hurt. Just bear with me.”

“One, two—”

I closed my eyes and let myself fall into a happy place. I saw Rae’s face, smiling at me as she called out my name. I was used to traveling to happy places. That’s how I’d gotten through the hurt and the pain of my childhood. I didn’t even feel them snap my nose into place. I didn’t feel them inject me with pain medication. I didn’t feel them poking around at my bruises or putting a brace over my nose.

Because I’d lost myself in my own little world.

A world where Rae was still there. Safe from harm, and able to fall into my arms without a care in the world. I lost myself in a field of flowers as our backs fell to the petals, casting them upward as we made love underneath the summer sun. I lost myself in her laughter. In her scent. In her smile and her touch and her kiss.

And when I opened my eyes, one last tear slipped down my cheek.

No more, after this.

“Thank you, I really appreciate it. Yes, I’ll make sure to file a police report. Yes, self-defense. I can promise you that. Handcuffs might be necessary to transport him. Uh huh. I’ll be along in a little while. He’ll be fine. Yes, thank you so much.”

Cecilia’s voice filled my ears and my eyes panned over to her. I saw her ushering the paramedics out. I heard the exhaustion in her voice. She closed the door and locked it, then turned to face me.

“I told them to take your father to the hospital.”

I nodded slowly. “Okay.”

“You really should go yourself. But they insisted you were fine.”

“If something happens tonight, I’ll check myself in somewhere.”

She snickered. “You’ll do no such thing alone.”

Then she came over and took my hands within hers. “You really should call her, you know.”

I nodded mindlessly. “Okay.”

“I’m serious, Clint. She could really help you right now.”

“I’ll take that into account.”

“Clint. Look at me, sweetheart.”

My eyes fell to hers and I tried my best to focus.

“Call. Rae. Promise me.”

I nodded slowly. “I promise to consider it.”

Then I pulled away from her and walked my ass upstairs. Because I sure as hell didn't want to be part of this world anymore. I wanted to be part of my dreams.

Part of the only place where my father didn’t exist.



I sat in the passenger seat of Michael’s car as we drove back to my place. I kept my eyes on the outside mirror, looking back, just in case Clint started running after us. But he didn’t. He receded into the horizon as another storm unleashed, pouring forth more rain than I’d ever seen. Booming the loudest thunder imaginable. Flashing etches of lightning throughout the sky and blinding the whole of Riverbend for seconds at a time.