Mom pulled my chair out from the table. “That’s enough. Come over here.”

I rolled my eyes and followed her into the living room. What the fuck she was upset about, I’d never know. Even if D.J. married my mother, he still legally wasn’t my father. So he didn’t have a place to tell me what to do or give me some sort of morning pep talk.

“Can you make it quick? I’m going to be late for school.”

Mom narrowed her eyes. “You’re already late. So suck it up and listen.”

I shook my head. “No, you suck it up and listen. I don’t know what happened in your life to make you think you have to stick around with a man like him. A man that beats on you and makes you feel like shit. I don’t know if you really do feel like you can’t provide for this family or find a job that pays the bills, but it’s not my issue anymore. And neither is he. If you want to ruin your life with a man like him, go ahead. But that doesn’t mean I have to accept it or bring him into some fold. For years, Mom, it’s been this way. For years, you’ve turned to men like D.J. for comfort and solace when all they do is stab you in the back and make you cry. And instead of bettering yourself and trying to pull yourself out of whatever bullshit mindset this is, you keep ending up with these guys. You keep pursuing them. You keep going out and getting drunk, and you drag me along with it.”

Her eyes widened. “You take that back.”

I shook my head. “No, I won’t. Because you need to hear it. You’re sick, Mom. Your head isn’t right. And until you get your head right, your life is always going to be like this. But just because you’re willing to accept this doesn’t mean I have to. I’m not listening to D.J. I’m not accepting him into my life. And I’m sure as hell not holding my tongue any longer in this house.”

“I think you’re done speaking to your mother that way.”

D.J. came around the corner as Mom’s eyes welled with tears.

“Yeah, well. Make sure not to beat on her too hard this time. Okay?”

Mom gasped. “Rae!”

I leveled my eyes at D.J. “But remember my promise. Always remember my promise.”

I backtracked toward the front door and scooped up my things. My backpack, my purse, and my sanity. I tossed it all over my shoulders and ripped the front door open. Then I heard Mom’s desperate voice behind me.

“Are you even coming home after school today?”

The question gave me pause. “I don’t know, Mom. I’ll see you when I see you.”

I stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind me. Hearing my mother cry on the other side of that door would’ve broken my heart had it not already been broken. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath. I’d already be late for school. I walked up my driveway and started for the opening of our neighborhood, wanting nothing more than to pack my shit and never come back.

Even if it meant not getting my high school diploma.

Maybe I should ask the guidance counselor about GED programs.

I walked away from my house as quickly as I could. I burst into a run before I started panting in the morning fun. I mean, come on. It was sixty-eight degrees outside. How the hell did the sun still feel hot? Just another thing to annoy me today before I got to homeroom.


A horn honking caught my attention and I saw Allison hanging out of Michael’s SUV. I snickered as they came screeching around a corner, blazing a trail straight for me. Michael came to a stop on the side of the curb. Allison reached back and threw open my door. I leapt in with my things and Michael whipped a U-turn, speeding off down the road toward our high school.

“Where in the world were you this morning?”

Michael cocked his head. “Thank fuck I decided to drive.”

Allison gasped. “Michael. Don’t use that kind of language.”

He chuckled. “Sorry, beautiful.”

I swallowed my groan as they leaned over and kissed one another.

“Thanks for picking me up.”

Michael nodded. “Anytime.”

Allison craned her head back. “What happened this morning? Why didn't you show up?”

“Yeah. We had to run back to my car before coming to find your ass.”